looking for an indie film that I have seen

It was on UndergroundFilm. It was a 50's late night infomercial about some pill that can make you "not die" It was really creepy and Twilight Zone like. It was called Euphoria or something. Anyone know where it could be? I have looked and looked on UGF and I can't find it anywhere.

Thanks and glad to be a part of these boards.
50's - as in actual 50's, or just 50's style? Colour or B/W?

Not having any luck so far, though I have found a tonne of great (but unrelated) infomercials & docs in the Prelinger Archive. :blush:
no, it's made to look like the 50's. It has a girl falling down the stairs and breaking her neck and then taking the magic pill and not dying. It was only about 5 or so minutes long. The announcer is really robotic and creepy. It defiantly was on undergroundfilm.com but their search engine is rather, subpar.
Chances are it would be on YouTube too. Try there, and try contacting UF.
not on youtube, and I just sent a message to UGF. I'll have to wait for a response. It was such an awesome little short too.

update: someone from UGF emailed back and said they didn't remember it.
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