Looking for advice on lighting

Looking for advice on low budget lighting (300 dollars to spend)

Hello guys, you see i want to invest my latest savings into some "decent" quality lighting for my next projects (right now i'm about to shoot a music video) i'm on a tight budget which is around 300 bucks, i've seen many options online but i really can't decide what is better for my situation, i need your help! what do you guys recommend? Thanks a lot! :)
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some options i have found

Thanks a lot for your help :) , i've been checking many threads, but i'm still a little unsure, it's my first time buying lighting gear and i really want to make the right decision, what do you guys think about this kits?


Which one do you think is the best choice for me?
Which one do you think is the best choice for me?

Dunno what your specific needs are, dude. :weird:

Fwiw, these days the CFL lights are a better deal (imo) than the halogen ones. Halogen lights can get really hot, and a small room can really heat up fast. The CFL light arrays tend to have multiple on/off switch configurations as well, so you can adjust the overall brightness when you want. Bonus... no heat of note.

The very last one you linked... I have that exact kit, but from a different supplier. Cowboy Studio stiffed me on a return once, so I won't do business with them again. That said, there's a few other easy-to-find suppliers on Amazon that sell the exact same thing. This kit can take a while set up, if you've never assembled on before. The instructions that come with it are kinda lame. Once you've done it once, though, you'll be good to go. Put aside 20 minutes for full assembly, once you know how. Keep the styrofoam bulb-protectors that the CFLs are shipped in.

The first link you had is for Britek products. Britek's pretty good for a lo-end light, though if you have a halogen head & a softbox raise high, it's very top-heavy. The stands are very lightwieight, so always keep them weighted down. Always.

Edit: Be aware, a lot of the lo-end lights will NOT have a UL listing. Just sayin'.

That's all I got, on what you linked.
You'll find alot of those serach results have me recommending the CFL lights... I'd now say that that decision depends on your audio setup (the CFLs introduce alot of buzz to some audio setups) and whether or not you can deal with the yellowish/greenish cast it throws across the frame... you can filter/gel it out, but it is real.

I do like the first one as well from that set of options as an all around kit that should help you find many setups.