Looking for a Script

Hey guys! Let me explain myself really quickly before I get into the whole ad post and whatnot. As is well known, I'm a film student at Full Sail University and have been for coming on a year. During this time I have been involved in the creation of about 10 short films. The most recent of which had a crew of 25 and budget of about a thousand dollars. It was the first major production required by the course. It went AMAZING.

Now at the end of each month our classes wrap, and we go to the next. Something different has happened this month. We've been informed that within these next three months we have to put together either a resume, portfolio, or demo reel for a job. This one assignment can fail us for that class before the first day of it. I've picked to do all three assignments purely for the feedback. My resume is for Producer. Demo Reel is for Colorist. Portfolio is for Director of Photography. My grade is going to be for the Producer resume.

So here I am. In need of a project to produce ASAP. First someone will ask why not ask one of my classmates who are training to become screenwriters? Film students have the tendency to be hard to work with once you start modifying their "baby". I'm looking for a script that I can hand over to a director without worrying of an overbearing writer. Someone a bit more professional. So let's get right to this pitch.

--------------------- WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR ---------------------------

Genre: Drama or Comedy ( I'm a very cynical person, Black Comedy VERY okay)

The script I'm looking for can really be either of these two genres within reason. The comedy I do believe I have the better network to pull off, but I'm also confident in a very select few members of my network to pull off a decent drama.

NOTHING INVOLVING DRUGS, WEAPONS, SUICIDE, CANCER, OR FIGHTING. For weapons, I simply don't have the time to clear everything with Full Sail's strict security. Fighting, I have three very awesome fight choreographers to pull from, but I'd rather not take that endeavor my first time producing. Drugs, Suicide, and Cancer... I don't really have a reason to not want scripts involving this content other than the fact I don't like them. I feel that a majority of the time these concepts aren't strongly written. Especially when you combine suicide and cancer, dear god no.

NO TIME PERIOD PIECES EITHER. Please keep it modern. Period pieces need a costume budget.

How about other genres? Uhhh... I'm aiming for a very low to no budget project here. Sci-Fi is obviously out of the question. Horror isn't something I want to produce at this current time. Romances just aren't my thing. Action isn't no budget for the most part.

Length: I'm thinking somewhere around 4-10 pages.

I just need to make sure it's 10 minutes or less as to not take too much time. Remember I'm looking for something to produce in a short amount of time (without having to suffer from not having enough time to throughly pay attention to detail). If you have more pages but think most of your writing is action lines, go ahead and send it, but if I don't believe it can be made into a short of desired length, I may not do it.

Budget: No Budget.

I really need this to be a no budget kind of shoot. Will I try to give it a budget? Most certainly. I'd be a bad producer otherwise, right? But in the off-case I can't find ANY support for this within the short amount of time, I will be paying for catering out of pocket already, I'd like to have a script that wouldn't suffer from lack of budget.

--------------------- WHAT CAN I OFFER ---------------------------

Compensation: This is the part that will lose the most scripts. I am not offering to buy a script. However, I'm hoping the other things I can offer will make this a situation where we both can benefit. Me with something to produce, and you a short you wrote that was produced at decent production value without any of the cost. Perhaps the future will entail some monetary gain if it does well? I'd certainly never promise that though.

Crew: Here is where I believe I have the ability to make your script come to friction. Being at a film school I have quite the network already. Some of my network that'd be willing to work even include some instructors who have remarkable credits. (The gaffer I have in mind has worked in the industry for almost 10 years now) I believe the crew I can put together for this project will be about 10 people, not including pre-production positions; an example being I have a storyboard artist that will work with this.

Resources: Another strong point. I go to Full Sail University. On top of that I am a Work Study for one of the most equipped departments at the school. I have access to Dollies, Sliders, Soundstages, more lighting equipment than a rental house, and plenty more!

The DP I'll be hiring is a great resource to have with me. We'll be shooting this project on a Black Magic 4k Cinema Camera with high quality Rokinon lenses. The possibility of using an Arri Alexa is also there, but it would require a great script (and pre-pro) for me to flaunt for access. As well I am friends with one of the Sound Engineers that runs the school's Dolby Certified Dubbing Studio. If needed, this project can have a full Dolby 7.1 mix.

I'm honestly in belief that I can make up for the lack of budget in production value.

Locations: Full Sail is known to have a large range of places to shoot. This isn't a myth. We have a large amount of Soundstages and a lengthy backlot. However, I'd like to stick solely to the soundstage that I work study in. Soundstage 1C (aka Candyland) Yes, this is the famous soundstage that if you visit FullSail.edu you will see in the pictures. It's a pre-built set to work from, but they are pretty okay. So here are the locations

LARGE Living Room, LARGE Bar w/ Stool Countertop / a Stage/ and Piano, SMALL Kitchen, SMALL Bedroom.

Exteriors, 2 Houses, 1 Bar, 3 Brick Building Sides, and a HUGE Movie Theatre with a marquee.

Talent: This is another thing I'm not too worried about. Full Sail gives us access to monthly casting lobby sessions. We just have to submit our project to be on the lineup of projects casting for that month. They take place almost every Saturday and TONS of people come and audition. It's found actors for literally every student project for the past 20 or 30 some years.

--------------------- INTERESTED? ---------------------------

Great. So now you know what I have and what I need. I hope that someone is interested in taking this chance with me. I hope that this project can be something everyone involved is proud of. I hope to the point that we'd be proud to enter this into festivals!

If you'd like to send me the script, simply PM me here on this with a link to the script. I am completely fine with Google Drive links or however you'd like. Email is possible as well, but I'd notice it later. So message me here all the same to ask for email.

Have questions? I expect you do! Ask away here, perhaps your question is also on someone else's mind. I'll answer whatever it is.


Yours Truly,

Sky D. Copeland
I have a curb-your-enthusiasm style comedy script you could use but it's very situational. You need an ATM with a long wheelchair ramp. I think it might be under 4 pages as well. hmm. probably only 2 i haven't read it in a while.
I have a curb-your-enthusiasm style comedy script you could use but it's very situational. You need an ATM with a long wheelchair ramp. I think it might be under 4 pages as well. hmm. probably only 2 i haven't read it in a while.

There is a fake ATM on the backlot... but long wheelchair ramp.... Strangely, not only haven't I seen any on campus... but I haven't seen any in Orlando lol... I could make one though.

I might be interested?