archived-videos Loco Tender' made for the 48hr film challenge

Hi, myself and David Stubbins made this short film over the weekend for the National 48 Hour Film Challenge.

Your given a title and a genre at random and have to deliver a finished 4-5 min film 2 days later. Our title was 'Loco Tender' and our genre was 'Comedy' And after an intense weekend this is the result

We'd love to hear what you guys think and hear from others who entered the contest.

All the best.

Col & Dave
Upvote 0
Very Good job.
The only thing that I noticed is the gas station kid and the guy on the cell phone looked like mirror images so they had to be brothers am I correct?
But, again good job and did you guys win the contest?

Hi there. Glad you enjoyed it.

Dave who i made the film with acted in it and dragged his brother in too (48hrs.. what u gonan do?)

Wondered if someone would spot that :)

Dont know if we won anything yet?

it had to be handed in Monday 18th at 1pm. And we wont know for a few weeks.. Its a fun film that doesnt take its self to seriously and feedback so far has generally been positive.. so who know.. if were lucky :)
CBlakeston said:
Hi there. Glad you enjoyed it.

Dont know if we won anything yet?

it had to be handed in Monday 18th at 1pm. And we wont know for a few weeks..
Let us know when you find out :) Good luck!

I really liked it. It was enjoyable because I think you guys didn't take it too seriously. I think the fact that they are brothers gave it something. I could totally see two brothers having that kind of fight.

Well we didnt win the contest - The 3 that went through to the final round wera all serious suspense/ horror films.

They were well made though, and all fine films so that makes it easier to take -

It's been a fun ride though- the films been linked to on kevin smiths website, shown across the US on CNN and will be mentioned sometime this week in the new york times & washington post. Its amazing how far this little film from england has come.

Thanks to everyone for your great feeback. I and Dave really appreciate it :)

Colin & Dave
The Tenacious D of Film makers
We shot with a XL1s and I tweaked the contrast in post give help the colors stand out to try and give it a comic book film.

Id have loved to have given it a filmy make over but i think that would have needed 48hrs rendering time by its self :)
Music is good for the soul

Hi, sorry for the late reply & thanks for all the feedback both here on on the film page.

The music was put together from some copyright free collections. We found a few tracks that had similar themes n cut them together to go with the film. Worked out pretty well cos its the one thing everyone comments on. They either love or hate it. And as long as your feeling something when watching it, then its pushing your buttons a little and thats good :)

Ive had no one yet say "i didnt care"

ps. the flick is gonna be shown on friendly tv on sky here in Britain :)
Re: Music is good for the soul

CBlakeston said:
ps. the flick is gonna be shown on friendly tv on sky here in Britain :)

Congrats on that! :o
I saw an ad here in Austin, TX announcing the 48 Hr Challenge showing at a local theater. Are all the entries showing or just the winners?


There's a bunch of different 48-hour film sorts of contests. I believe the one in Austin is probably different than the British one.

I've taken part in two 48-hour film contests in Atlanta, both sponsored by these people:

They were also in Austin Nov 7-9, so I'm assuming it's the same people.

- Mike.