Locating/Organizing a Filmmaker's Club

My friends and family members do not share my intrest in filmmaking. I have tried searching for a local filmmakers club, but have not been able to find one. If one exists, what is the best way to find a local club? Second, if there isn't one, what is a good way to find others who are interested and start a club? My daughter suggested "Facebook". I don't know anything about that, but has anyone used it as a tool to find locals interested in filmmaking as a hobby?

There may not be a filmmakers club in your area. But there might
be other people making movies. You could start
the filmmakers club.

Facebook might be a good idea. Since you don't know anything
about that, you should ask your daughter to help you find groups
or start one.
The internet is your friend when it comes to social networking (like facebook) which is really what a club is all about networking with like minded people. Forums are like a club this one for instance we all are interested in, make, or work on independent films. Genre filmmakers tend to stick together as well. Most have forums for Horror filmmakers, Christian filmmakers, special fx, etc. Do a google search and plug in to groups like you have here. There may not be anyone close by but you will find someone if you get involved in these forums. Also there are events (film festivals, work shops etc.) around in which you will find like minded souls.
Good luck
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The 48 Hour Film Project is a popular contest around the country and globe whereby you and a team are charged with making a 7 minute-or-less movie in 48 hours. I'm not sure if there are any cities near you in South Carolina, but there are several in the South and along the Eastern Seaboard in general if you are up for the drive.

One of their missions seems to be connecting filmmakers...if you don't head up a team you can put your name on a list of interested persons and a team may ask you to join. They also sponsor general mixers before the competition where you can meet other filmmakers and create a team. I knew of few other people interested in this hobby before I got involved with this contest but that's where I met the producer I now regularly collaborate with as well as a top-notch sound team. One of the best movies made in Detroit last year was by a team created by strangers just for this competition, by folks from as far away from Detroit as Chicago and Columbus, OH. They met online, made a team, many of them met that very weekend for the first time and made a great film. I'd recommend researching it further as a great way to meet other filmmakers.

Pending your age try local highschools or collages. They may have some clubs, also if they don't it's still a good way to find people with the same intrest.
well.... i'd try setting up a page for it on myspace... and on facebook.... and craigslist has a section for announcements about things like that.