Limit to film submissions?

Ive been reading this idiots guide to indy making lately lol. Couple quick questions.

Is there a limit to film submissions? What if I make 3 shorts I am very satisfied with, can I submit all 3 to the same festival to increase my chances of being "discovered"? sort of the shotgun spray effect.

Once I create a short film, what process must I take to copyright it?
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Every festival has their own rules.

I don't know if I've heard of anyone worrying about copyrighting the finished short film before.. But it is a good idea to register the script with the WGA, or get a copyright on it.

For copyright, so far as I know, you simply have to register with the copyright office. Looks like a copyright will cost you $45, (or $35 if you register online?). You might also want to look into a creative commons license.
Is there a limit to film submissions? What if I make 3 shorts I am very satisfied with, can I submit all 3 to the same festival to increase my chances of being "discovered"? sort of the shotgun spray effect.

Chances of being discovered? You gotta get in first! ;)

I don't think there is a limit to submissions, but what I have seen everything has to be submitted separately. Probably the only thing that will determine how many submissions are how much you can afford...

-- spinner :cool:
Most fests have no limit. They want to get as many submissions as
they can so as many as you are willing to pay for, they will accept.

But it's not an odds or a numbers game. You don't increase your chances
of getting accepted by ten if you submit ten movies. It's a subjective
decision made by the festival staff. If they like one or all, they will
program them - if they don't like any of them, they won't.
if you're willing to go for the effort of making 10 films just to get into a fest, you might want to spend a bit of that time and energy and go to a few of the fest near you to see what is playing in that particular fest. there are certain "gimmicks" and formulas you'll see that will give you a better chance of being accepted. of course, doing that, your chances of being "discovered" are less since you tend to blend into the crowd (ironic, eh?) better to put your time and energy into making a film you believe in and submit that. then, if you ARE "discovered" it'll be for making the kind of films you like to make.