Reading it through now... I'll update the post when I'm done.
Okay... Just my two cents:
1) Okay... Passive voice. We've already talked about it so I won't beat the proverbial dead horse. Just know that I've taken Professional screenplays and REMOVED all the passive voice and once that was completed? I didn't have to rewrite a damn thing and I still got paid. LOLOLOLOL. It does make that much difference. For a short? Probably doesn't make a whole lot of difference but still? Passive voice is a bad habit to get into because LEFT unattended? It usually gets worse and worse. Not only that but as I said previously... If this is a script you'll use to recruit others to help you achieve your vision? Always best to make it the BEST possible READ it can be. Hope that makes sense. Anyway... Right off the bat, you're in passive voice with:
MOM is dressed in a red Mrs Claus costume.
2) MOM'S beginning dialogue. I like it.
3) HITMAN and BOSS are dressed in blue clothes in a dark basement. Again... Passive voice.
4) Christmas lights are strung along the edges of the ceiling. Passive voice.
5) A hostage is bound to a chair and gagged. Passive voice.
6) He is dressed in a santa outfit minus the hat and beard. Passive voice.
7) I think you've missed an interesting visual opportunity here:
HITMAN and HITWOMAN approach in blue clothes with masks and
bulletproof vests on. Fresh white snow covers the ground.
We thank you for this bounty and ask
you help us to walk where Jesus feet
have gone. Grant us the grace to
ever follow on. Amen.
--This is incorrectly formatted... Not a big deal because it's a short that you're shooting yourself but the SCENE takes place OUTSIDE Lily's house and NOT inside so to use LILY (OFFSCREEN) is incorrect. Plus? I think if you format it correctly, and give it a bit of a rewrite, you can take advantage of a visual opportunity here... i.e., to have your audience focus on the footsteps of both HITMAN and HITWOMAN leaving their footprints in the snow as LILY says grace with a voiceover.
Something like this...
HITMAN and HITWOMAN approach the house -- their feet leave
footprints behind in the fresh snow.
We thank you for this bounty and ask
you help us to walk where Jesus feet
have gone. Grant us the grace to
ever follow on. Amen.

I think LESS might be MORE here...
Mom's phone buzzes -- displays a doorbell camera stream.
A video of Hitman and Hitwoman with guns. They kick the
front door open.
Hide Lily! They have guns.
*NOTE: You wrote, "A loud bang as the front door is kicked open." --Passive voice.
9) You wrote: Hitman and Hitwoman walk into the room without masks on. Dad
raises both hands.
--Not understanding why the Hitman and Hitwoman are no longer wearing masks. Seems prudent to me that they would leave them on even though they've broken the outside camera. Why take the chance of an inside camera that could eventually identify them?
10) Redundant. You wrote: Two gunshot ring out in succession from the kitchen.
--Do you really need "in succession" ? It's easily IMPLIED that your two gunshots are in succession since Mom loaded two shells into a double-barrelled shotgun, right?
11) Again... Just a pet peeve of mine. While not technically incorrect, you keep using master location headings throughout the action in Lily's house. The read would go FASTER if you just use secondary location headings and make sure they FLOW. Something like this...
Two gunshots ring out from the
Dad's corpse lies on the floor -- bullet holes chest and head.
--Then of course, continue on with the rest of your action...
12) Lily is dressed in a sickly looking mustard green, her hair
an ordinary shade of brown. --Passive voice.
13) Not sure you really need Lily stabbing Jane in the chest with a pencil... But that's just a personal call. I think if you just show Lily not being treated that well in the Foster home? It would probably be enough.
14) You wrote:
Lily is dressed in her elf costume with razzmatazz hair.
Lily accesses a hidden safe and fails at the combination. On
the second attempt she is successful.
--Both sentences are Passive voice.
15) Two people are slaughtered helplessly in the hail of bullets. --Passive.
16) Tony shoots out the windows and Lily is showered in broken glass. --Passive.
17) Lily attempts to fire back but she is pinned down as the car is ravaged by a second round of bullets. --Passive.

Again, I think LESS might be MORE here:
Not anymore.
Lily throws the stick at Boss. Boss screams.