archived-videos Lightsabre clone.

Hello there me wee little laddies,
Friend told me (little_fil) that I should post this here to show you guys, so here you go - Lightsabre Clone (Save-target-as")

Techinical mumbo jumbo -
All done in After effects.
Was done about a year ago so please ignore the kidified look i have :D
Sorry for the bad quality, WMV can be your best friend or your worst enemy.
My website is now
erm.....thats about it


Edit - Sorry, should be working now, seems like web servers dont like me.
Editx2 - Yep web servers hate me, "save target as" works for me.
Editx3 - Video now back up.
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Would be nice to watch it BUT: Sorry, but the page or the file that you're looking for is not here.

That's what I get when I click the link for Lightsabre Clone.

Same thing when I click it from your site....
When clicking the link (from either here, or the page):
Angelfire does not allow direct linking
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Since hosting on Angelfire is not too good for a/v material...

Here is a link for the file on ZenWeasel. I'll leave it up for a week, then I'll be flushing the temp folder again.


It's definitely worth a look, if you are interested in special effects. It's rather good, and a very nice showcase for what he does.


What software do you use, Mr Shadow?
Hehe, Mr Shadow....ahem! Yes! I used Adobe After Effects for that I think.
Cheers for the hosting.
Could I have some critiscm on it, just get all nit-picky ans say what you like and don't, just so I can probably improve. :)
Shadowbeast said:
Could I have some critiscm on it, just get all nit-picky ans say what you like and don't, just so I can probably improve. :)

I thought it looked pretty freakin' good! I liked in the end where you're directing yourself, that's great.

The only thing I really noticed that looked odd was when you poked the guy on the left. I just looked like a video layer on top of another video layer. And then the bottle hit with the white flash just looks like you're covering up something(I only say that because I've used a white flash to cover up a bad slap before).

It's hard to tell what looks good on a highly compressed WMF. But I think it looked pretty good. The only advice I can say is you should try doing the same quality effects in an original piece instead of a Star Wars fan film. Don't get me wrong, I find the fan films cool and I've seen some, really, really good looking fan films, but I think you'll turn more heads if you do something that's never been seen before.
I thought the white flash was actually rather effective, considering what he was bonked in the head with. Those really really hurt.

The only effect that didn't come off too cleanly was the head-explosion, imo. Lots of black around the composited area.

Good stuff.
I'm gonna go through this kind of stream of consciousness style ...

I began watching, I'm all like, "Yawn ... wow, he duplicated himself ... never seen that before."

Then I'm all like "Yawn, bad sound ... lame, use a flash of white to cover up the hit ... blah, blah, blah ... I might not watcht the rest of this."

Then, a few seconds after that I'm all like, "Holy Crapola, a newspaper light sabre, that's awesome ... whoa look at the jump ... sweet blaster blocking Jesus, this is awesomely awesome ... whoa DragonBallZ power move ... YES!!!!!"

Then I'm all like, "Nice ... love John William's score ... classic ... wait, it's not over? ... HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!"

Very nicely done Shadow!!! Very, very impressive.

Great job! I know this took some time to create so again great job! My only critic is originality. No offense, but I've seen about two million of these backyard light saber fights. You might want to try using the same effect but in a different way than a light saber. Just an idea. :)
To do the flying effect there was no 3d used whatsoever, this was done about a year ago and I had nno idea how to do anything thats 3d. The effect is mostly the same as the person getting hit by a car in that "Julie!!!!" video that was on here a few weeks back for those that saw it.

1. Take frame of me in mid-jump.
2. Cut around me with scissors.....i mean a mask.
3. Apply glue....... ;)
4. Set a keyframe where I should be, move me off the screen after a few frames.
5. Apply some motion blur.
6. There is no 6, thats about it.

All done in Adobe After Effects, but could be changed to work for some other programs. Its all pretty simple.
Shadowbeast said:
To do the flying effect there was no 3d used whatsoever, this was done about a year ago and I had nno idea how to do anything thats 3d. The effect is mostly the same as the person getting hit by a car in that "Julie!!!!" video that was on here a few weeks back for those that saw it.

1. Take frame of me in mid-jump.
2. Cut around me with scissors.....i mean a mask.
3. Apply glue....... ;)
4. Set a keyframe where I should be, move me off the screen after a few frames.
5. Apply some motion blur.
6. There is no 6, thats about it.

All done in Adobe After Effects, but could be changed to work for some other programs. Its all pretty simple.

So how did you get the lightsaber glow effect so perfect without say something like 3D Studio max.

Also, I thought I saw something for Maya.

hmm... I need to try that. but I have a crappy old version of A/F (4)
Nevermind.. i mixed yer vid up with someone else.

Shit, I cant get effects like that in 5000 dollar 3ds software. (as far as experience)

I need to invest in adobe products.

Can you tell me or link that tutorial for this effect and others ;) tanks!
That was awesome. VERY entertaining. You have a great sense of humor...Nothing ever actually made me laugh out loud, but it's one of those things that made me happy and glad that I watched it, like Forest Gump or something...a feel-good, entertaining humor...the endings were the best.

I agree with everyone who mentioned originality. I love Star Wars, but it's nice to see other things in this world, hehe.