Lightsabers for duel scene.

Hey everyone,

Im planning on making another starwars duel scene. Here was my last one.

However, if you notice the lightsabers are just bambo sticks where i have taped round the handle with black tape to make it look alright.

But for my next one i have managed to get enough money together for some decent costumes and ect. I would love to get some half decent lightsaber handles.

I see other peoples films where they have the handles but are also managing to hit each other with them. Im confused about how i can go around to do this. If i buy the hilt would i have to attach a bit of stick to the end to use for hitting? And if so how would i attach it well enough to withstand hits and not break off.

Is there anything you lot could suggest?


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1" white PVC pipe which will cost you about 3 bucks at home depot. paint thinner takes the printing off. The tough part is the handle, but I've seen people paint some really cool ones right on the PVC or use PVC fittings to step up the size to 1.5" PVC and paint the handle like an artist using a chrome paint as a base. You glue it all together with PVC cement. Total cost for 2 and 2 handle blanks for "off" sabres - about $25.00.
Take the lightsabres from the last one you made and build up the props handles around that base, then make a matching empty handle with all the business end detail.

Loved the choreography on the vid... although I would cut some of the FXy shots a little shorter... and that last shot wanted to be on a tripod for me (or resting on the ground/sandbag).
Those $10 dready pointed out are the same ones they sell at WalMart in the states, abd they look pretty good. Do what Knightly said and replace the blades with your bamboo.

One tip that might help the next production too is to get a red and blue (or green. etc) light and have someone move it and keep it pointed at the saber as it moves on set. It'll help give you some great colored shadows and what not that they would probably make if they were real. That will only work indoors though.
I went to the "Avatar" exhibit, at the Experience Music Project, in Seattle. They had some props on display. I was amazed at how much they looked like toys. Seriously. They were toys.

But onscreen, they look so real. Point being, why don't you buy a toy light saber, and go from there?

Also, nice work on the saber FX!
While im on the subject.

Does anyone know where i can get some sith contact lenses?

Does the actor who will wear them already have a contact lens prescription? If not, he/she is going to need to make an appointment with an eye doctor to get one (yes, even if they have perfect vision.) No reputable company will sell you contact lenses without one. And buying any old lenses without the eyes being measured and fitted could actually cause damage.

Once he/she has the prescription, you can do a quick google search for a company that sells the sith style. You also might even be able to order them through the eye doctor, which IMO, is the way to go as it's safer.
I went to the "Avatar" exhibit, at the Experience Music Project, in Seattle. They had some props on display. I was amazed at how much they looked like toys. Seriously. They were toys.

But onscreen, they look so real. Point being, why don't you buy a toy light saber, and go from there?

Also, nice work on the saber FX!

It was pretty sweet exhibit. I live about 5 mins driving north from it

And yes, they did look like plastic toys. Amazing what light and sound can do on screen