
I was contemplating whether or not I should post this in the Cinematography/Lighting board, but I decided to post it here because it's kind of a "noobish" question. I'm thinking about purchasing some sort of lighting kit. I don't know where to start looking or what kind I should get. Do any of you have any suggestions on where I should start looking or what kinds I should get? I also don't want to get anything TOO expensive. Thanks in advance.

-gregory r.
I'm that 10th filmmaker. Just kidding. Sort of.

Anyway, on your budget, I think a DIY light kit is a terrific option. Also, ebay is your friend.

And, unless the Cracker Funk Bump does it's work, and the more experienced lighting people chime in, you should re-post this question in the lighting forum, perhaps.
Lowel makes nice kits. Tungsten lights with stands, barndoors and
hard case. Britek makes nice light kits - cheaper than Lowel and
not as durable, but very usable. You can also check Arri lights -
more expensive and worth every penny. I have a Lowel 6 light kit
with the Omni’s and Tota’s that I bought new in 1990 and am still
using it 20 years later.

You can do a nice DIY kit:
A couple of work lights with stands from any home improvement
store. Five or six “scoop lights” - those lamps with the silver reflector.
Three or four pieces of Foamcore from any art supply store to use to
bounce the light. Two or three Paper Lanterns that you can get at

You can go to the B&H website and search in your price range. It's
a great feature of their site. Go to "Lighting & Studio" and on the
left side there are price ranges. Click there and you'll only see kits
in your range.
$500 will get you well set and started on the road to painting with light.

For convenience and simplicity best to go with ONE bulb type to start with.. either ALL florescent or ALL tungsten.. youll learn that youll need top adjust for daylight. or vice versa but that comes with time..