Lens for Redrock

I recently purchased a redrock m2 adapter. now I need a lens for it. I have a canon xh-a1s. anyone recommend a decent/cheap lens that will work with this rig? also i'm a little confused about the "flip module"
without this accessory, will i need to film with the camera upside down? i have not been able to test because i dont have a lens for it yet
The lens you need depends on the lens mount ring you have on the redrock.

Most folks say start with a few primes. 50mm f1.8 or faster. 28mm

The image on your camer LCD will be upside down. You can live with it. Learn how to shoot upside down. Or, get an external monitor and most the better ones will let you flip the image on the screen. You'll still need to flip everything in post
wheat is 100% correct

I'll just add my thoughts on lens selection: In addition to the fast prime (which you should absolutely get first), look for a telephoto zoom (especially if you doing wildlife). It doesn't need to be fast or new (and old used one works just as well i find for video), but it gives you a bit of depth in what your able to do on the fly.
What you'll want is to start with a fast prime (50mm or 28mm) and maybe a zoom as others said, then using ebay /craigslist, etc... build your bag until you have the following primes 28, 35, 50, 85, 115, 135. If the redrock doesn't have the flip module built in (later models do) you'll need to use an external monitor mounted upside down.
The image on your camer LCD will be upside down. You can live with it. Learn how to shoot upside down. Or, get an external monitor and most the better ones will let you flip the image on the screen. You'll still need to flip everything in post

Maybe this is what you meant, but I didn't think about it properly at first. The image isn't just upside down, it's upside down and backwards. So like a 180 flip/turn. The first render I did I didn't notice and had only flipped it vertically. It was really confusing seeing everything just backwards like a mirror image...

But I agree, your first lens should be a 50mm prime, preferably f/1.8 or better (although I have a f/2 and it works just fine for me :) ).

A zoom lens if probably what I'd get next, but I do already have a 28mm. But I'm holding off until I have a proper support system for it, a zoom is going to be very heavy. Do you have a rod support system?
What you'll want is to start with a fast prime (50mm or 28mm) and maybe a zoom as others said, then using ebay /craigslist, etc... build your bag until you have the following primes 28, 35, 50, 85, 115, 135. If the redrock doesn't have the flip module built in (later models do) you'll need to use an external monitor mounted upside down.

B&H has a used section with quite a lot of cheap used lenses that you can search by mount type (note: if you want the cheap ones you'll have to go manual. What's the mount type for your redrock?).

The nice thing about them is they seem to only sell things with cosmetic damage, not actually damage to the lens, which is something to check for if buying from someone on eBay.
great advice from everyone. it depends on what you want to shoot but if i was getting lenses for the first time id get a 50mm, 28mm and 85mm as these should cover the most basic needs in making short films.

later expand to all the ones someone mentioned above.
B&H has a used section with quite a lot of cheap used lenses... The nice thing about them is they seem to only sell things with cosmetic damage, not actually damage to the lens, which is something to check for if buying from someone on eBay.

Better and much cheaper to buy local, get to see it hands on and your not paying the mark-up B&H (well every store) needs to add to there merchandise.
thanks all, this is everything that it came with.

- M2 HD Achromatic lens
- 15mm Rod Support System - 18"
- Minolta SLR lens mount
- Redrock Hard Mount Kit
- 82mm - 72mm Step-Down Ring