Learning Camera Work

Hey, I'm learning how to use cameras for filming, well starting actually, and I was wondering where I should start. Does anyone know any good sites or guides I could get and study?

I'm also getting more into on set effects, and learning to get better at my script writing, and screenplay writing. If anyone can help with these too that would be great.


Definitely study the theory and technique, but like any other physical skill you have to take time and practice to teach your body to operate a camera smoothly.

Also, practice being observant in the world around you. Take time to sit and watch the light change in your local park. Out for a walk around sunset and see some light that you love - note the date and time so that you have a chance of using it in the future.

Watch people, how they project their movements (for example, most folks will scoot slightly forward before standing up from a chair) - this will go a LONG way to maintaining your frame on a moving actor if you can learn to anticipate where they are going.

Tons of good tutorials, books, articles, podcasts, and so on out there. Take what you learn and put it into practice though.