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learning after effects...

finished doing all the basic tutorials on video co-pilot. if anyone knows any sites that have good tutorials for more advanced stuff please post some links.

How more advanced are you looking for? There's a good deal of stuff on videocopilot that isn't exactly "basic"

Their bullet dvd is worth the price, and you can buy a downloadable version...

fxphd generally has some good AE classes too
Check & see if your local community college has night-classes for these.

I've done Premiere, AEFX, Flash, Photoshop, Illustrator - both basic & advanced. Each class was about $60 for 3 weeks, or something like that.
Actually, I have found that sites do help.

IMO, school only takes you so far without talent. You can teach a monkey to move a mouse.....:P
A couple of courses like Steve mentioned wouldnt hurt, but dont spend more than the cost of a couple of good books to do it. There are tons of resources on the net.

Out of everyone I know/work with, the self taught guys are usually the ones that do the best work.......go figure.

Subscribe to Lynda.com for one month ($25?). Work through all of the lessons there. Buy a book called "After Effects CS3 Professional Studio Techniques". Work through that a couple of times and master all of the videos on creativecow. If you can grasp everything offered here, you will be well on your way to being and After Effects jedi.
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