Lav mics & Pacemakers

So I've decided I'd really like to record some kind of oral(/visual) history of my family. Something for myself and my future kids so they can see their grandparents and great-grandparents and hear their stories first-hand.

When I was thinking about the logistics of interviewing my one grandma, I remembered that she's got a pacemaker. I read an article a while ago stating that headphones can interfere with pacemakers(probably the magnets?) if they are resting right over the heart. Do wired/wireless lav mics have similar power/magnets? Is it safe to use a lav mic on someone with a pacemaker? Have any of you guys done it?

Thanks for the help :D
Yeah, goob, that's the research I was referring to that made me question lav mics w/ pacemakers. :)

I'm just curious if anyone knows if lav mics have the same properties and headphones, and/or had any experience micing people who have pacemakers.

Of course I'll play it safe unless I'm assured otherwise. :) I was thinking as a backup to just plant an omni lav somewhere 2-3 feet in front of them, would that work?
I've never heard if the headphone thing. I've uses a lapel mic on a guy with a pacemaker before with no problems, but I didn't think about it before hand either.

Always better safe than sorry, eh?
How about going to the source; ask her doctor if s/he has any concerns about using (magnetic) recording devices on or near Grandma. Ask about the brand of pacemaker and contact the manufacturer of the pacemaker for further info.
I wonder how loud a pacemaker is...does it make a sound? Because yesterday the sound mixer said he could hear my heart with the lav.

Interesting point. I know that some pacemakers do make noise. I've worked on clients where maybe halfway through I start to hear a rhythmic clicking. But I'm not sure if those were just older pacemakers or what. My grandma has only had hers for a year or two.

How about going to the source; ask her doctor if s/he has any concerns about using (magnetic) recording devices on or near Grandma. Ask about the brand of pacemaker and contact the manufacturer of the pacemaker for further info.

So mics do have magnets then? If that's the case I bet I know what the doctor will say.

How would an omnidirectional lav mic planted 2-3 feet in front work? I'd like to interview both my grandparents together. Or could just a cardioid condenser placed in the same spot work just as well/better?
Microphones specifically work by passing a magnet through a coil to generate electrical currents at varying frequencies. Electret Condensers use a charged plate and measure the inductance field between that and the ground plate.