archived-videos Latest and greatest trailler for The Feel Good Revolution. Come take a look.


I now have some hosting and and put the trailler online.

Check out:

and the traillers are listed at the bottom. There is one low quality .mov for those of you on a slow connection, and a higher quality .mov for us with faster connections.

The film is about a group of high schoolers who want to enjoy their last summer break with their best friends before the group splits up for colleges around the area. With two months to party, things go wrong, terribly wrong. Death, crime, violence and arrests tear the small town apart as its terrible youth drug problems is at all time high.
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heh heh- not much to it, but it gets the point across... now if only I could reach through my screen and... oh wait... I can!... no wait... I AM the screen!!
I know its short, but I havent filmed yet.

The footage used in the trailler was simply random footage I had on my computer, one of the clips was from a prior film we had made, and I didnt really expect to show off the final product, but I was more pleased with the editing than I thought i'd be when just, "messing around".

Anyone with any experience in the field should add me to MSN.