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Know a good program to make abstract/fractal/spacey backgrounds?

I need to make a few abstract/fractal looking backgrounds for the project I'm working on. Nothing amazing, just something that doesn't look cheap and I can write some text over.

Anyone know any good programs that help you generate backgrounds like these, or a program that can manipulate jpgs? Freeware is best.

I'm looking for something like Aurora Borealis mixed with a fractal mixed with electricity. I'll probably layer several images together.

I'm on a PC BTW, otherwise I'd check out Argeiophontes Lyre.

Thanks for both your replies. I thought this thread had fallen into the abyss. Donroy, you'd be surprised how many fractal artists don't put their work in the public domain. A lot of them copyright their art. Fair enough, it's their choice, but it can be a hassle negotiating every damn jpg when you've got 200 to get.... BTW that link is inaccessible from Indonesia right now. Probably the system this side.

Indietalk, that's good enough for our purposes.... thanks. saved me 2 hours of web searching....


  • Flame_20101225-120223.jpg
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Thanks Gooberman... it's basic but it looks fun. Might be good for interesting titles, mine can be a bit dull.

Indietalk, that's not so bad. Good enough for my purposes I think. I would like to get some subtlety on the colours, too garish for me. Maybe you have to do that in post, maybe desaturate it a bit or something. I always wondered what a really fast fractal zoom might look like...