Kick-ass Music Videos

I really love Amanda Palmer's Bed Song. It's kind of a haunting song and a beautifully executed video.

This is a fairly cool video. I really do like the look of ring lighting. But join the club, I'm sure.

And approaching 15 million views...well, just shy by almost a few hundred K, which I'm guessing they're going to get.

But a couple things.

Okay, folks, you're shooting your subjects in HD close-ups. Somebody call make-up, please.

And, if you're going to be shooting very well-lit close-ups like these, let's not forget the invaluable nose hair trimmer.


I've always thought this was a great music video. I'm not a huge fan that they remixed the original masters of the song, but it's still a great one.

I love how they shot it continuously to go through the many prominent eras of Dylan's life, just by walking behind him. Very creative way to take a look at every look he's had since 1963. Also, the video contains many allusions to other Dylan lyrics. Like the brief shot of the preacher with "20 pounds of headlights stapled to his chest" around 30 seconds.
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