Just wanted to Introduce Myself

As the title states...

I've never shot an indie film before, but I'd like to learn more about it. When I do shoot, it'll be using minDV since that's the equipment I have and the hardware I have access too. Don't see any 35mm in my near future for sure:)

I'm located in Portsmouth, VA. not sure if anyone else is located near me or not. Would love to collaborate if anyone is interested.


Hey Karl,

Welcome to Indietalk! I'm sure you'll find loads of useful information here.

Oh, and don't worry, I don't think a whole lot of filmmakers see 35mm in their future :lol: . I mean :cry:

Welcome kbarek!

I didn't see 35mm in my future awhile only a couple of years ago but I have that option now. Keep your chin up if you keep working at it you might get your shot (I will be shooting in HD at least for the near future though anyway)
I have 35mm in my near future, I'm gonna go pick up a disposable camera for my News Years Eve party tonight.

Welcome to the best spot on the net!

Poke said:
I have 35mm in my near future, I'm gonna go pick up a disposable camera for my News Years Eve party tonight.

Welcome to the best spot on the net!


Who's your DP? What lenses are you using? How are you going to work pudding into the shots?
:welcome: I live in Asheville, NC which probably isn't close enough for collaboration, but I'm always happy to help as is everyone here.
cinematography said:
Sheesh. This forum makes me smile. It's so dang pretty and easy on the eyes.
Thanks, and :welcome:
Hello fellow Virginian,

Welcome to Indie Talk. Where the people are friendly and the coffee is always fresh. I hail from just down the road in ye ol' Williamsburg. I think that as someone who is just starting out, as I am as well, you will find indie talk to be an invaluable resource.

I also recommend you check out these other sites. The Virginia Film Office is chock full of great info like local festivals, seminars, schools, you name it. I'ld also like to reccomend you check out the Richmond Moving Image Co-op. I realize that Richmond is a bit of a haul for you but I recently found this group and went to one of their events. Pretty interesting group of folks that are trying to foster and premote the indie film community in VA.

I am currently working on writing several short films and plan to start shooting in the next couple of months. I am working with no experience and a budget of what ever loose change I find in the sofa. I figure this is the best way to gain some experience. What are your plans? What is your level of experience? I see that you work in 3-D animation, is that TV and film work or something non-film related like gaming?

Again Welcome to Indietalk :welcome:
Thanks for all the welcomes.

I've already met and talked with several ppl from the board in the chat and must say everyone's been very pleasant and extremely helpful. Acts like that will just keep me around to bug everyone!

Looking forward to eventually be able to contribute to the excellence of the forum and site overall.
