You're missing the point-in fact you are only supporting my argument.
Census numbers has nothing to do with fact it has nothing to do with filmmaking. To say and white people have a bigger history (uh hello??! America was stolen from the people who originally inhabit this land, but more importantly life was first established in the parts of the Middle East and parts of what is Now Africa where the sun played a part in the development of (darker) skin color-So who would have the "bigger" History? ) is ignorant to say the least..
Oh In Austrailia chics dig black guys? Oh guess what-They like us in The U.S. and guess what? So does the British..Oh and I can't forget about those damn Canadians, lol..
You bring up Sister Act..*Blank Stare*..Really?? A 1992 Film? You couldn't think of anything else? really? No Will Smith film? Denzel? Halle? Jamie Foxx? You bring up Sister Act? Whoopi Freakin Goldberg? You couldn't think of any 2000s film? lol..
YOU are one of the people who do needs this..Because your movie choices are still in the 90s..Let's widen your horizon..
Census numbers has nothing to do with fact it has nothing to do with filmmaking. To say and white people have a bigger history (uh hello??! America was stolen from the people who originally inhabit this land, but more importantly life was first established in the parts of the Middle East and parts of what is Now Africa where the sun played a part in the development of (darker) skin color-So who would have the "bigger" History? ) is ignorant to say the least..
Oh In Austrailia chics dig black guys? Oh guess what-They like us in The U.S. and guess what? So does the British..Oh and I can't forget about those damn Canadians, lol..
You bring up Sister Act..*Blank Stare*..Really?? A 1992 Film? You couldn't think of anything else? really? No Will Smith film? Denzel? Halle? Jamie Foxx? You bring up Sister Act? Whoopi Freakin Goldberg? You couldn't think of any 2000s film? lol..
YOU are one of the people who do needs this..Because your movie choices are still in the 90s..Let's widen your horizon..
There is a reason for this. The majority of big budget wide release films come from where? Hollywood. Where is Hollywood? In the United States of America. A quick check just told me that in your 2011 census the US had about 78% WHITE people. BLACK people was 13%. Now If I understand correctly (as I believe I do) this would say that on average there is no more than around a one in ten chance of a black person being cast as a main role in a film. I'm not sure if that is the amount but I would be willing to say that there is probably less, and there is a reason. As cinema started as a 'white mans entertainment' white people have a bigger history and so it wouldn't surprise me if the ratio of white actors to black actors is much more significant than the ratio of those actually living in your country. For the record California only has 6.6% black people (ie 1/20 chance). I know over here in Australia though that chics dig black guys. (Ever heard of Sister Act? Like all female black ladies)
Personally I don't go out of my way to watch films with black cast...or films with white cast for that matter. I go to a film because it potentially has a good storyline and has been directed well.
I think the point I'm trying to make is that especially in modern cinema most people don't care about the characters race AND therefore IMO won't go out of there way to go to a website to search for films with a lead cast of African Americans. And what I'm ultimately saying is that this is a very very niche and small market so i wish the best of luck for your endeavour