I just finished writing a pilot for a comedy television show and I have no clue what to do with it. Should I try and send it around or should I raise some money and film the first episode myself, hoping to gain attention? Please point me in the right direction.
You should raise the money and make the first episode yourself.
The harsh reality is TV is harder to break into than film. The writer/creator
of a TV series is the boss - the writer of a movie isn't.
1) You write spec scripts for existing hot shows.
2) You get an agent based on those specs.
3) Your agent sends those specs to existing TV shows... but not the ones you
wrote the specs for.
4) You get a job writing one of the two "freelance episodes" of some show
you would never consider writing for.
5) That leads to writing other "freelance episodes".
6) That leads to getting a staff job on some awful show.
7) You climb the ladder of shows until you become a staff writer on a good
You get promoted to head writer of a good show.
9) The production company asks if you have any show ideas.
10) You pull out that pilot you wrote when all of this started.
But that's going to take too long - you want results right away. So you need
to raise the money, make the first episode yourself and hope it's good enough
to get noticed.
To answer show bible question; head over to Google and type in, "example of
a television show bible". You'll find several.