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watch JJJ - A Short Film

Honestly, if you don't have anything constructive to see don't say anything...

TC: there are huge problems with your short "film."It's hard to even call it that. The very shaky shots, the many shots out of focus, the lack of a plot, the bad wind noise ( i can't even hear the guy talking), the camera staring at the ground, and much more.

Look at a lot of the older threads here and a few google searches that relate to making a short film. Read on the basics and then make another.
I'm all for breaking from tradition, but there has to be substance to it. Look at great artists who defined a new style/technique/method and you'll still see the basics substantiated within their work.

Nobody changed their physiography (I make up words sometimes, but isn't it ironic that even when I make up a word you can still understand what I mean?) to get faster they just changed the method by which the use their bodies to propel themselves along the ground.

The same applies here. You haven't created anything worth watching and as a result are not inviting constructive criticism. There has to be something to critique in order for there to be something to critique.

The video made no sense, had so many problems with it that in order for anyone to "help" you they would have to write a book. You need to understand the fundamentals of filmmaking first, before you can challenge the status-quo.

Frankly speaking, to think that you have created something worthy of constructive commentary and then to respond to CF's sarcastic remark in the manner you did, is arrogant and self-righteous. Some have the right to be such, but based off of your video, you sir...do not.
@that1guyy (prepare for feeble personal attack) I think it is fairly interesting that a person who names Michael Bay as one of their favorite directors is earnestly detesting a video for it's lack of plot or story or anything for that matter. Michael Bay makes movies for money. He makes mainstream porn movies; using the "best technology" to create buzz and, in the long run, more money for him. He takes advantage of techonology, not to tell a unique or important story, but rather to further his fancy lifestyle and get more money. jump shot, hot girl, jumpshot, key framed sequence of CG intense imagery, and so on, that is what his movies are, they say absolutely nothing.

@abaci_productions The video I posted, however, showed something even within it's purposely faulty production. The frustration of young individuals striving to be unpretentious and do something worthwhile. The cinematography shows a rigid self-consciousness that is present in the subjects filmed.

Sexual frustration, fake happiness, stupid self-pitying rants, idiotic existence - all things i know i have experienced personally. Maybe that's why I made it. To show something so unimportant, it's important.

I will probably write more once im home, but for now im going to go and fuck a can!
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Hey there,

Wasn't my cup of tea but some may like it. I do nor digg it...

But with an altitude, that you start to attack someone, you won't get very far ?!
Harsh but honest!
I find it sad and pitiful that you spent so much time making a film just so you could post it on a forum and then be a trite little prick when people tell you it is absolute shit!

You asked for it and then you don't want what you got? Don't ask the question if you don't want to hear the answer.

Would be better, if you wanted to masturbate, to have kept it to yourself.

PS: All of those things that you listed, you accomplished absolutely 0 in conveying those on the screen.
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Honestly, trapped, I thought you were pulling a prank by asking for criticism. The humping of the can is so over-the-top silly that it immediately made it impossible for me to take any of this film seriously. It is that segment of the film that made me honestly think that you're just goofing off by posting this here. I can't imagine there are very many people who could watch that and think that you are attempting to make any serious statement about anything.

The second segment of the film is confusing, at best. We can't hear anything, and the visuals don't tell us much. It's also a very uninteresting shot.

The first segment had me intrigued. I still found it very problematic, however. The way you shot it, I thought it was a POV shot -- we can clearly hear the cameraperson's footsteps, and I thought it was designed that way. But then, when we get around the other side of the house, the actor acts like he can't see the cameraperson. So now I'm thinking, "oh, it wasn't a POV shot"?, and that makes the entire shot way overly-long, and weird. Then, this dude rambles to himself, and it was really unintelligible. All I could get out of that scene was that he wasn't quite right.

I think this film belongs in "experimental", because there really isn't any kind of coherent narrative.
Am I not a sad and pitiful person?

I don't think it can be any more obvious from that movie that I could be anything but sad and pitiful in my everyday life, right?

As far as you know I'm some retarded white kid making pretentious "self-discovery" movies; and I don't claim not to be.

So as far as I'm concerned, it was a movie about my life: a lie-infested, sad, depraved, and unexciting place where I exist.

Am I not a sad and pitiful person?

I don't think it can be any more obvious from that movie that I could be anything but sad and pitiful in my everyday life, right?

As far as you know I'm some retarded white kid making pretentious "self-discovery" movies; and I don't claim not to be.

So as far as I'm concerned, it was a movie about my life: a lie-infested, sad, depraved, and unexciting place where I exist.


I'm sorry, I don't get what you're saying with this post. My biggest critique (which you say is what you want) is that the can-humping scene makes it impossible for me to take the film seriously. That scene makes me assume that you're a white kid having fun doing something silly, not any kind of pretentious "self-discovery" movie.
some videos are not worth commenting on and this one is probably one of those. ha... But wow what a ending. Ha.... I was wondering why all the related videos from youtube were gay in subject. Ha.... Did the can enjoy it as much as you did? Kidding of course. But a video like this deserves some sick responses.
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trappped, you mock me for mentioning Michael Bay as one of my favorite directors. He's a great director for summer blockbuster films that I can go to with my friends to have fun. Sure the plot suffers, but the director is giving us something pretty damn cool, which is more than what your video could ever achieve.
The guys acting at the beginning was decent. Everything else was not good at all. It's almost like it was made by someone who never watched a video in his life. Don't ask for "heavy criticism" if you can't handle it.
I thought it was okay, I guess. A bit arty and I didn't understand it, but I'm sure that you're sure that it has a meaning. Fair enough :D

The only criticism I can offer, not knowing what it's about, and indeed not knowing much about arty films, is that it needed better sound. The music at the start was good, but the footsteps jarred me out of my suspension of disbelief as it were, and the monologue was too quiet.

Keep it up, good luck for future projects
The video I posted, however, showed something even within it's purposely faulty production. The frustration of young individuals striving to be unpretentious and do something worthwhile. The cinematography shows a rigid self-consciousness that is present in the subjects filmed.

I like you - clearly this is some ironic piss-take. His persona being a comic-satire-commentary on meaningless of art.
o wait.... maybe its not.....
The main problem i have is that its one guy contemplating this unknown dilemma. Then he drives to some location, but then its not the same person humping the can? who is this character?

Is this a wardrobe continuity error? Or could you not preform under such pressure? (- happens to the best of us).
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If Michael Bay made this movie atleast there would be some robots and explosions, more interesting then this...

Sorry for hating.