archived-videos JENSEITS (BEYOND) - Teaser 1 & 2 (by LOOM, Austria)

Hi dear colleagues!

For our actual project - a full feature mystery drama (120 min.) - with the German title "JENSEITS" (= BEYOND) there exist two teasers, each showing an indivdual timeline era of the movie. The whole concept of the teasers is to show the strands separately and combine them in the forthcoming trailer (autumn 2005).

Teaser 1 shows clips auf the historical parts of "JENSEITS" while teaser 2 shows the present.
That's also used for the style of music and pictures.

Download Teaser 1 Quicktime (18 MB)
Download Teaser 1 XviD-AVI (11 MB)
Download Teaser 1 WindowsMedia (18 MB)

Download Teaser 2 Quicktime (18 MB)
Download Teaser 2 XviD-AVI (16 MB)
Download Teaser 2 WindowsMedia (17 MB)

Both teasers include some German taglines and atm I have no possibility to create an English version of the files, so I will put up the translated text here. As I am not a native speaker, please do not expect perfect english lines. ;)

Here we go:
Teaser 1 - German
"Das Leben ist unser größtes Geschenk
doch erst wenn es sich zu Ende neigt
beginnen wir darum zu kämpfen..."

Teaser 1 - English
Life is our greatest gift,
but we only just fight for it
when we fear to lose it."

Teaser 2 - German
"Die Liebe ist unser schönstes Geschenk
doch erst wenn sie bedroht wird
beginnen wir ums sie zu kämpfen...

Teaser 2 - English
"Love is the most beautiful gift to receive.
But we only fight for it,
when it is withdrawed."

Hopefully the teasers do their job for you.

Although the movie will be in German language, the DVD will include English subtitles (not translated by me of course, but a professional).

Plot Outline

The boring life of Thomas is suddenly set upside down through Tamara's appearance. But when he finally leaves hospital after an accident, Tamara has vanished without a trace and it seems she's never existed. In search for the woman of his heart, he meets something ancient which is guarding his actions. Incidents from the past throw a shadow to the present where Thomas has to fight for his Love.

Production - Key Data
Production Company: Verein LOOM
Country: Austria
Shooting Time: ca. 75 days (71 atm)
Total Duration of Production: ca. 2 years
Team: 5 main crew, 10-15 crew, 6 leading actors, 14 actors, lots of extras
Camera: Canon XM-2 + Optex Anamorphic Adapter
Sound: Sennheiser K6 + ME66
Promoted by: CineStyria, Department of Culture Graz, City of Graz
Locations: Austria: Styria (Graz, Birkfeld, Eggersdorf), Burgenland (Gerersdorf)

Film - Key Data
Directed by: Stefan Müller
Script & Story by: Wolfgang Lukas, Leonora Lekovic, Stefan Müller
Cinematographer: Bernhard Lukas
Assistant Camera: Senad Halilbasic, Nina Bedlivy
Production Manager: Robert Niessner
First Assistant Director: Wolfgang Lukas
Second Assistant Directors: Stefan Schnuderl, Leopold F.J. Keber
Lighting by: Robert Niessner
Still Photographer: Mario Löffler
Boom Operator: Martin Schneider
Visual Effects: Robert Niessner, Peter Kleinsasser, Mario Kaufmann (mkFX)
Makeup Artists: Gabriele Reiterer, Leopold F.J. Keber, Claudia Maitz, Renate Derkitz
Music composed by: Matthias Erb
Sound Editor: Christian Scheucher (ProTone)
Teaser Music Mastering: Christian Napetschnig
Controlling: Mag. Anita Puschnik, Mag. Andrea Rußheim
Catering: Fa. Schirnhofer GmbH

Reinhard Nowak, Andreas Vitásek, Thomas Stipsits, Philipp Hezoucky, Christine Artner, Matthias Hoffmann, Andrea Tatschl, Leopold Keber, Agnes Julia Redl, Monika Liska, Carola Pojer, Katharina Vana, Benjamin Teschl, Stefanie Kammerhofer, Stefan Müller, Anna Zissler, Andreas Posner, Christian Linzbichler u.v.a.

Runtime: ca. 120 min.
Genre: Mystery / Drama
Premiere: November 2005 - Royal Cinema Graz / Austria

Productions Outtakes
Shooting Time (planned): 30+10 days, in reality 71 days until now, last shot after 75 days
Versions of Script: actually 22, after shooting the historical parts the whole present part was thrown away and the script was revised completely, the main characters where changed 180 degrees. A better plot was built to improve the inner logic of the world in the movie.
Calculated time for postproduction was increased from 40 man-days to 80, but the given time schedule decreased from 9 months to 4. lol.

P.S.: Phew, took me 2 hours to translate all this - it is harder than I thought to write such a text in a foreign language.
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Upvote 0
Looks great. Not sure what is going on based on the trailer, but I guess that's the mystery! Really nice looking shots, and the scenery is freaking beautiful.
I hate Europeans- they get everything. Beautiful land, mountains, seas, oceans, beaches, hills, fields, valleys... good cheap beer.

Dang. Really looks like a great movie. What are your plans with it?
That was

The first trailer was especially good, but the second one had some great images as well.

Is that an original score you have for that? It's really good.

Add some subtitles on the finished film. ;)
Thank's for your encouragement!

@ Spatula
I think your country has a lot of beauty too. You just might have to explore it a little bit. :)

Our plans:
We will show the movie at local cinemas in our town in November 2005 and there will be a DVD release in early 2006. We also try to raise money for a 35mm blowup.
The whole path depends on the success of the premiere and the critics we receive.

@ Zensteve
The score was composed especially for the teasers, we were lucky to find a very talented swiss guy who has a faible for composing scores.
The DVD will definately have English subtitles. And a lot more things ;)
@ Zensteve
Unfortunately not, atm.
Our server had been hacked, since then we have only a minimal version of our LOOM website online. It takes a lot of time to create a secure server and PHP based web site...

But we are working on a dedicated film website too, I hope we'll get it online next month.
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How did you get that lost shot? It looks awesome... with the hands going through the bluish rays of light... it looks really good so far, especially since I don't speak german
so true...

after watching teaser 2, damn... you must have had a pretty high budget? lots of great shots, I liek the last one on this as well... let me know when it is released
@ strange m1nd

The shot with the hand was color corrected in After Effects to make it look cooler, than it got a weak warm color ramp from above. For the light rays I used the shine plugin from trapcode with weak settings and an animated center following the palm. There is also a slight distorsion made with the liquify filter to make the fingers longer and get a little movement above the skin.

About the budget - well it depends on what you call a pretty high budget...
For such a huge amount of work we got little more than nothing, always running out of money. At the moment the counter stays at 40,000 EURO, which is about $ 50,000, but we are still investing some money into marketing and try to raise funds for a film transfer.
Did you get a distribution deal?

We got a distribution deal for Austria only, but I have to confess that we didn't put much effort into finding one for other countries because of lack of time this needs.
But I have started a filmproduction business last month and expect to get some more time and better connections - it is a lot of work that has to be done.