archived-videos Jasmine's Music Video

She has a rather nice voice. :)

I wish you'd been able to record it a bit better; sounds a bit thin without a nice mix.

Btw... was really weird seeing that brief accompanying clip of the drummer... being an fully acoustic song. :lol:
When that first clip chimed in (the one of a bloody guy screaming bloody murder), I thought it was her voice going crazy! That clip is in a wierd place (it's unintentionally funny)...but otherwise that is a cool video. I like her voice too. Oh yeah, one more criticizm: Her intro banter wasn't very entertaining..."Where are all the people?" Probably could have cut that out. If she didn't talk about the song or crack a joke, then you might as well go straight to the music.
Yeah, I agree with the scream, but I believe that was one attempt to cover up a pop in the audio, but it's too soon into the video. As far as the guy on the drums, that was one of the clips from the "Pinata" movie, but that too does kinda confuse the eye.

As far as the little intro thing I think that's fine. I like hearing what a singer sounds like talking vs singing and because the coffee shop was so empty and the song felt lonely and depressing I think it fit. That was footage shot at an actual coffee shop during business hours when she was really performing so there was no control over the crowd and people.

Anyways, it's 4 or 5 years old so everybody's learned something (hopefully) an will deliver a better video and recording in the future.

Thanks for checkin it out in the meantime.
