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Jagged edges in footage

I've noticed whenever I film something on my JVC GZ-HD7 camera (1920x1080), I've noticed it has jagged edges to everything. For example, here's a green screen test I did on Saturday:


It's clear to see the jagged edges on Bilbo's arm, the guitar and his shirt. Note that this was filmed at 1920x1080 and I have just cropped the edges to fit the youtube video, so the footage shown is actual original size.

Is there something I can do to get rid of the jagged edges and just have a clear picture?
Try de-interlacing your export, as well. That solves many "jaggies" issues. (Usually the type that show up with fast movement, though)

Rock on, Tenacious.

p.s. Your guy is way too close to the screen, casting his own shadow on himself.
yeh i didn't deinterlace because i imported the footage unprocessed (direct from camera's hard drive) .. wasn't sure if it was needed.

i'll deinterlace and see if that different it looks .. thanks :)

yeh i know he's too close to the screen... but it was just a screen test so i'm ok with that.. i only had 1 large and 2 small lights, but have since picked up another 4 large lights to work with for the filming tomorrow night :)
alrighty.. so i went into edit the footage and deinterlace, but so it turns out when i exported the video to put on youtube, i didn't see that the deinterlace box was ticked.. so the youtube footage is already deinterlaced but has the jagged edge to it.

Is there something else I can do to get a clean edge?