Sorry to see you go, hopefully it'll be just a vacation rather than a permanent departure.
Forums do seem to have regular lifecycles that reflect the natural movement of people in and out of them, and I've noticed several people commenting lately on the way they feel indietalk has changed lately. Personally I hadn't noticed a big change, but I'm also not as active as most of the regulars here. Hopefully it's just a natural lull and not the beginning of a long-term decline as I still find it to be a great place to hang out, and while I'm a regular on several other forums IT fills a niche that I haven't found a good alternative to.
Forums do seem to have regular lifecycles that reflect the natural movement of people in and out of them, and I've noticed several people commenting lately on the way they feel indietalk has changed lately. Personally I hadn't noticed a big change, but I'm also not as active as most of the regulars here. Hopefully it's just a natural lull and not the beginning of a long-term decline as I still find it to be a great place to hang out, and while I'm a regular on several other forums IT fills a niche that I haven't found a good alternative to.