It's been real.

Sorry to see you go, hopefully it'll be just a vacation rather than a permanent departure.

Forums do seem to have regular lifecycles that reflect the natural movement of people in and out of them, and I've noticed several people commenting lately on the way they feel indietalk has changed lately. Personally I hadn't noticed a big change, but I'm also not as active as most of the regulars here. Hopefully it's just a natural lull and not the beginning of a long-term decline as I still find it to be a great place to hang out, and while I'm a regular on several other forums IT fills a niche that I haven't found a good alternative to.
IT fills a niche that I haven't found a good alternative to.

Frankly, this is why I am here... There are alot of other fora out there, but I feel the community here more than any of the others. It's just the right size for the folks to know each other as personally as one can get on the 'net.

I don't see a big change, I came here as a complete newb... As I've gone from seeking to sharing knowledge (and ultimately to moderating), my perception of the site changed as it can only have done. I find that even after the years I've been here, I still find myself learning new stuff from many of the questions being asked and answered by others... especially the ones that I either hadn't thought to ask, or thought I already knew the answers to. I frequently end up slapping my forehead and having those "duh! That's so much simpler than what I'm doing." moments. I love the repetition, I think it's good for helping to cement knowledge and it allows the newer crowd here to chime into share their findings as well, often having novel solutions they've found that even if they don't fit the specific situation, may have value elsewhere. (I abstract technique quite well -- so I always want alternatives).

I still try to see the site through newb eyes as I read through it. I feel this community excels at welcoming new folks into the fold.
Best wishes man!

I hear you, it's a different animal than when I joined a few years back, but not in a totally bad way. I post less than I used to, but life get's busy! There are narrative projects I'm longing to finish, some completely shot and others just on paper but other's video has to come first haha.

Like knightly said, it's a good fir for me where I can hopefully share some knowledge and still learn quite a bit at the same time.

If you're still lurking, how did CRIMPS do overall, any other plans for it? My copy is still on my shelf!