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It's a wrap! Now having kittens

OK, it's a wrap, all the footage is in the can and I have put together a rough cut. Now I am having kittens (British expression). I have written and co-directed the craziest short in history and I have absolutely no idea if it is going to work.

At the moment, we have the audio post guy doing his stuff, the composer doing his thing and I now need to cut, add a touch of compositing, VFX and then colour.

However, I am absolutely terrified this will be absolutely unwatchable because it is so high risk.

This could turn out to be either good or a disaster, nothing in-between. Don't get me wrong - we knew from the off that it would go either way and it was designed to be right on the edge but now I actually have to edit this and it could be that all that effort has been wasted.

So thanks for looking at this self-indulgent rant... and the question is...

How do you feel when you get to post? I'm having kittens.
What kind of kittens are you having? Haha... but seriously... what kind of expression/saying is that!? :)

Post is such a long process that I usually get antsy and want to fast forward through it all to the finished product.
even if it's bad it's still a learning experience and it made you that much better at your craft. In my experience the really original ideas usually get the proper notice they deserve, so as long as the quality is watchable you'll find an audience.

I am in the early stages of post production on my feature ( www.everthemovie.com ) and I'm all alone on this and I'm tearing my hair out from stress and nervousness. Filmmaking is fun!
I had to google for the meaning of "having kittens", cuz to me that sounds like something fun. Haha, nope. The American equivalent of that phrase is to "have a cow".

Don't worry about your film. No matter how great it ends up, I guarantee it won't be everything you want it to be (cuz we're new, and constantly learning). Be proud of what you've done, it's an accomplishment, one you can learn and grow from! :)
Congrats on getting the photography done. Imho, don't try to conform and go for the max you can achieve in the limits you currently have.

Oh and having kittens basically means going nuts, being stressed out...