archived-videos ITOOFC #4 Rules, Details, and Knick Knacks

Indie Talk's Online Original Film Competition - Round 4

Important Dates:

Start of competition: Friday, September 16th 12 Midnight PDT
End of competition: Monday, October 31st 5 PM PDT

Start of voting: Monday, October 31st 5 PM PST
End of voting: Monday, November 14th 5 PM PST
Poll void and closed.

Category is the following: Horror In honor of Halloween dream up and shoot the best damn 5 minute Horror movie the net has ever seen!

Concept is the following: "A man/woman tries to communicate with the dead." This is the general theme your movie must have in order to compete in this competition. Head Judge Poke and the panel of judges will reserve the right to disquailfy any entry that they deem does not meet this qualification.

BONUS is the following: Prop - Knife It must appear prominently at some point in the film. Any type of knife will do, but here's the catch: the film that is judged to have the most horrific knife will be awarded 2 points, all other films utilizing knifes will be awarded 1 point. Head Judge Poke and the panel of judges will reserve the right to award or not award points based on their judgement.

Now before you go thinking this bonus is only a couple points, just remember that a few points can make the difference between winning and losing!

EARLY BIRD BONUS is the following: All entrants that PM Poke or Indie by 5 PM PDT on October 29th (the original deadline) will receive one point.

Who, How Much, and Prizes:

Any registered member of IndieTalk can submit a film. (Prem, non-Prem, etc)

You do not need to "sign-up" in advance, though posting a reply with your intention to submit something would be handy. (So we can gossip about you)

There is no entry fee. Not a penny. Just your desire to be the best.

Important Requirement!!

Once you have uploaded your completed, qualifying entry you *must* PM IndieTalk or Poke with the URL of your online film.

Note: There may be a few changes in the upcoming days... mostly clarifications.


Everyone that uploads a completed, qualifying entry will receive:

One Detonation Films Data-CD title of choice


"What They Don't Teach You At Film School : 161 Strategies to Making Your Own Movie No Matter What" by Tiara White & Camille Landau


Awards By Merit:

"Judges' Choice" Award

This is the big one.

Head Judge Poke will be working with other selected judges, to determine which entry is simply... the best. The winner not only gets some well-deserved recognition on the boards, but also:

1) 1 Year IndieTalk Premiere Membership (if already Premiere, your membership will be extended one year, no matter what level you are).
2) A copy of Judith Weston's "Directing Actors: Creating Memorable Performances for Film & Television"
3) A copy of John Alton's "Painting With Light"


"Peoples' Choice" Award
Category removed.


"Best Score" Award

This Award is only available to entries that have 100% original scores. No royalty-free tunes, nothing left around from last year... simply a score generated for the film in question. Fot the boardmember musician in question:

1) 6 Month IndieTalk Premiere Membership (if already Premiere, your membership will be extended 6 months, no matter what level you are).
2) A copy of "Knowing The Score: Film Composers Talk About the Art, Craft, Blood, Sweat, and Tears of Writing for Cinema" by David Morgan


New Category
"Best Acting Performance" Award

This Award goes to the best acting performance, male or female, as determined by the judges. Actors will be judged on a point system, much like the films.

1) 6 Month IndieTalk Premiere Membership (if already Premiere, your membership will be extended 6 months, no matter what level you are).
2) An actors' CD for dialect-training (pick one dialect) (Details TBA)


What Topics Can I Submit?

You have 6 weeks (an astonishingly long time) to come up with an original story that is no longer than 5 minutes in length.

6 weeks is enough time for weekend-warriors to get something done, and should also be long enough for full-timers that want to join in to do something on a weekend.

(Note: 5 mins is the maximum allowed, not required. If you can get the job done in 30 or 60 seconds, go for it.)

I'll Just Submit Something I Made Last Year.

No, you won't. To make sure that it is a genuine new effort made, a "genre" and "general concept" has been assigned. Head Judge Poke and the panel of judges will reserve the right to disquailfy any entry that they deem does not meet these basic qualifications.

What Is The Appropriate Online Viewing Format?

For films shot on mini-dv (720x480), reduce to half size.

That means 360x240, for the math-impaired.

There is an allotted 25MB hosting per film. For a full 5-minute film, that is 5MB per minute. Here are some codec suggestions to make it fit.


Sorenson 3


Q-Design 2

Quality % can be set to 100 for both audio and video.
Setting the BPS between 60 to 80.
Setting a keyframe every 15 frames.

Depending on suggested video codec(s) (and BPS setting) you can compress as low as 1MB per minute, to as high as 5MB per minute.

Also, all the above codecs are included in the basic install of Quicktime for end-users... which means everyone will be able to see/hear them.

If your submission is an .swf or similar, please set the stage at 360x240. (And e-mail or PM IndieTalk or Poke any funky embedding options)

What Else Do I Need To Know?
  • Don't use unlicensed copyrighted material in your film. If you try to pull a fast one and use copyrighted music, you'd better be ready to provide documentation that you had permission.
  • You do not lose any "rights" to your film, by submitting. It remains yours, all yours.
  • This is not the mud-tossing thread. GO HERE if you want to do that. (Not too rowdy, though)

:director: Be creative and have fun, dammit!

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Upvote 0
I'm a little unclear about how we submit. Is there a place on this website to upload our movie or do we just post somewhere in internet land and tell you how to find it? Same question for the poster.

Other than that, the whole thing is shot and mostly edited. Only one more piece of the puzzle to complete Wednesday night and we'll have a pretty sweet little horror flick. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else came up with. Should be a good time.
[edit]On the day of the entry there should be webspace available for upload. It should me announced next week sometime. The head master king Poke should be able to tell you the official answer though. :yes: [/edit]

Yea, no one in the cast and crew has ever done a horror film. In fact it wasn't really even in my radar, unless you call a movie like "Land of the Dead" horror.

I haven't seen any roughs yet but everyone else says they are great! So I can't wait... It's hard turning over the editing reigns to someone else but that's cool with me. First time for everyting. I think I'm leaning more towards the VFX route anyway.

I can't wait to see what everyone else has come up with!

Good luck Y'all.

I heard some people were shooting this weekend. Who still needs to shoot?
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Look 2 posts above this one. You can't upload until the day of sumbissions.. at least that's the way it's been in the past.

I can't wait to see your film! Good luck!
Poke said:
Important Requirement!!

Once you have uploaded your completed, qualifying entry you *must* PM IndieTalk or Poke with the URL of your online film.

Upload your film to webspace you have available, then send the URL of the film via Private Message to Poke and IndieTalk. Do not post the link to your movie in an IndieTalk thread until after the submission deadline is past. Once all of the submissions have been received and reviewed (for qualification), Poke will publish the links for all movies in one thread with an opportunity to vote for your favorite. After Poke's thread has been published, you can create a separate thread for it in the screening room to receive feedback on your own movie. (This is the way it worked last time).

If you do not have web space available to upload your movie, contact Poke via Provate Message and ask for instructions.
Good catch John... I didn't see that.

If needed, I have webspace available for people to upload their films to... Poke and Indie, if it's needed let me know and I'll set up an account.
Recapping some info, for dylan61 & jdmarlow...


Once your film-challenge is complete, upload it to a web host. If you do not have a web host of your own, there are several high-bandwidth ones out there for free. (Hard to win a popular vote if you plop your film onto GeoCities... 2 people see it and it's gone) is an okay host, if you have nothing better. (There are several peeps on the board that would host it, if asked... CootDog?)

Uploading to a web host before the deadline is a good idea.


Once the film-challenge is uploaded, PM IndieTalk or Poke (may as well do both at the same time) and send them the direct URL of the completed file. That will act as a time-stamp, and help them organise the "Popular Vote" poll in advance.

It also allows them to make sure the criteria was met, before the judging starts.


Within an hour before the deadline (Saturday, October 29th 5 PM Pacific), the contestants should make a post in the Screening Room (Narrative) for their entry on the boards. Sometimes that's difficult due to RL concerns (which is why PM'ing the URL earlier comes in handy)...

All entries are placed in a special group/category... normally this is HomePage listing and a free bump to Prem-level for the duration of the votes/judging.


Of course, since I am entering this... best to surrender now... :cool:
CootDog said:
Good catch John... I didn't see that.

If needed, I have webspace available for people to upload their films to... Poke and Indie, if it's needed let me know and I'll set up an account.

Yes, if this is possible I would be indebted to you forever. :)

Friend with a server now says he cant spare the bandwidth. If I knew how to use the "stabbing" smiley I would use it here.
I don't want to step on any toes.. I'll let king of judges Sr. Poke give me the final OK if I can let you all put your films in my server.. I have plenty of space and bandwidht...
I mean the files are only 25 megs... I can host them ALL... muwahahahahaaaaa

So Poke or Indie.. do you object to spreading the love by letting peeps put up their filmz on my server?
This would help me as I am in between web service providers. Right nowI have nowhere to store my soon to be final product.
Poster Contest Entrants

Take note, you should have two versions of your finished poster - 1) 16 inches by 20 inches at 300 dpi resolution for printing if you win, and 2) 400X500 pixels for web viewing. When you send me the link to your film, also send the link to the web viewable poster.

This is an Official plea to extend the contest deadline

Kind sirs and mams,

I come before you pleading for mercy on the fast approaching deadline. :( Everyone in my cast and crew has sustained terrible setbacks and property loss due to Wilma.

Editor shut down on Sunday to prepare for the storm. I spoke to him today to find out that he is still without power. This brings us behind by 3 days at minimum.

My actor Vanessa is also a Vetrenarian. She stayed in her clinic to ride out the storm. She parked her car in front of the window of the clinic for safety. A piece of someone's roof flew into her car and totalled it.

My Actor Lalo had a tree fall on his car damaging it severly.

Liza Trainer, although I haven't talked to her personally, had the metal storm doors ripped off the building allowing the wind to break the thick thick glass door. This brought in rain, wind, and debris into the studio, which obviously sustained damage to sets and equipment.

So I am asking if it is at all possible to extend the deadline of this competition, if not for all, then for those productions affected by Wilma. My Editor hasn't been able to edit for 3 days. The poster guy hasn't been able to poster for 3 days. Please Mr IndieTalk and Senior Head Judge Poke, please allow the deadline to be extended.


Michael S. Copeland

Okay, so we got one production affected by the storm and the possiblility of another (I think).

We will push back the deadline to 5 PM Pacific on Monday October 31st.

This will mean that the end of the competition will in turn be pushed back to Monday the 14th of November.

All entries that get to me by 5 PM Pacific time on Saturday (the original deadline) will get a one point Early Bird bonus.

Any questions?

Free Hosting of your ITOOFC#4 Film

ANYONE WHO NEEDS TO UPLOAD THEIR QUALIFIED FILM TO THE INTERNET and you don't have a webhost.. Let me know. I will host it for you... I'll host the short and the movie poster for you.

Just send me a PM or email.

{edit} Qualified = 25megs or less folloring the guidelines on post #1 of this thread.
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Even with the extended deadline it's looking bad... Editor still without power. Poster guy without power. VFX guy without footage to composite because editor is without power. Composer without rough cut because editor is without power.


[EDIT]I'm not asking for an extension again.... just letting you all know the status[/EDIT]
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I really am sorry to hear of your difficulties, Coot. I know you (and all of your team) worked very hard to make this movie, and it would be a shame if you do not make it in time.

Rather than think about that, though...I am going to hold on to the hope that you DO make it. It just won't be the same without you!