It only took 22 years

There have been many "Hollywood" movies that I would call original. I avoid mentioning them because people get very upset when a movie they personally didn't like is called original - but I bet each of you can think of several "Hollywood" movies that you found original. They get made - just not often, because people don't pay to see them.
There have been many "Hollywood" movies that I would call original. I avoid mentioning them because people get very upset when a movie they personally didn't like is called original - but I bet each of you can think of several "Hollywood" movies that you found original. They get made - just not often, because people don't pay to see them.

I wouldn't get upset. I have seen many originals, just not among the summer blockbusters in a long time. Yes, it's a business and all about the bottom line and that's something I need to come to grips with if I expect to be a part of it someday. I was watching the making of 300 last night and they had a heck of a time getting the project greenlighted.