I think this is a brilliant idea. I'll make sure to watch "Man From Nowhere" by the 2nd and I'll hop into the thread Chimp made to discuss with you guys!
I do think it was a smart choice to have the discussions in another thread. Yes, as Proton says, you can technically just skip to the end of this thread to find the latest films, but I think for organization sake, it makes a lot of sense to have separate threads. Plus, that deters discussion that's either early or late from previous or coming films from interfering with discussion of the week's film.
Cracker makes a good point, a week might be a bit too often... so I'm sure there will be weeks where I sit out, but in all honesty, with such a large community here, as long as the moderators for the discussions can keep them going, there shouldn't be an issue.
I'd also like to offer up a couple suggestions - (A few of these I actually watched in a college class where we had to discuss films, so they certainly have historical-film context and lots to analyse)
1. Rear Window (Hitchcock, 1954) - A fun psychological film to analyse
2. Glengarry Glen Ross (Foley, 1992) - A classic film with exceptional performances by amazing actors. It's especially interesting to take a look at because it's an adaptation of a play that happens in a real estate office and a diner, so it's forced to be very character driven.
3. V For Vendetta (McTeigue, 2005) - Everyone may have already seen this, but if you haven't, it's a wonderful film to discuss.
4. Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid (Roy Hill, 1969)
5. A Beautiful Mind (Howard, 2002)
Again, those may be films that we've all already seen, I'm not sure. I'll think of more at a later date, those just sort of came to mind. I'd be an advocate for #4 if there is a significant population of users that haven't seen it. I know it's available on Instant Que, and man, it's a damn good movie.