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Is 4 villains enough for my story?

The idea of the script is that terrorists are taking over the country, and need to be stopped. The terrorists actually kind of win though. Although they are ultimately stopped, the country will never be the same cause of it, and they managed to do a lot of damage.

Basically they go around committing acts of terrorism, till society is so scared, that they actually meet their demands, and have them eating out of their hands.

But here's the thing, they save it's a lot better to show rather than tell, but on a shoe string budget, I have to do the opposite. Kind of like how the movie Fail-Safe (1964), told a lot more than showed.

I also will not have a lot of casting options. Is a group of 4 terrorists, enough to bring America, to it's knees? I mean if more good actors are out their, and they want to be in the roles, then I have more, but I was thinking for the final draft of the script, I will write it so that their is only 4, but is that believable or plausible enough for an audience.

I asked my friend, and she said that from the treatment she read, she thought their would have to be at least 10, and does not know 4 is plausible enough. But can the audience be convinced of that through good acting, directing and storytelling hopefully? Another thing is, if I only go with four, when they are shot at, none of them can get hit, cause I need them all alive and well, until the climax. If I had 30-50, I would have enough for some to actually shot to death in the shootouts.
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Four terrorists is ok. I guess they should be well trained, a kind of commando type. One leader, three followers. Enough fire power to compensate their number(think bombs, exploding cars, heavy assault rifles, rocket launchers, etc.).
Aaah, you're doing an action movie now... nice. At least now you won't need to import actors.

4 seems fine when you're talking a suicide bomber.... 4 for terrorists in shoot outs... It could work, but I doubt it. Depends on the script.
Would depend upon the adverse economic impact the organization can inflict upon the nation and its allies.

Four individuals would probably have to have a rather significant financial backing, which means a much larger logistical support staff.

A four man USNavy SEAL team has a support network of hundreds providing them with the intel and resources needed to train, gather intel, prioritize, plan, supply, transport, execute, extract, and asess.

It ain't four guys with several amfo trucks detonating along the TransAlaska pipeline and downing a dozen civilian airliners with stinger missiles.

Who's bankrolling these four?

The US/Canadian joint economies are rather significant.
The NYSE was shut down for a week and yet... back in full biz a week later.
The US Civil War went on for four years and couldn't shut down the economy.
WWI & II incited rationing and panhandling civillian citizens to finance the wars with bonds - and the economy kept on rolling after the wars were over.

If you figure out how some third world warlords can keep a national economy suppressed for decades then MAYBE a handful of terrorists could figure out a way damage the economy of... Nova Scotia for a few weeks, but that's about it.
At best.
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-make them 4 destructive aliens, 4 robots(human, Terminator style), 4 high-level foreign intelligence agents(James Bond style). I don't know enough of your story to provide any more advice, sorry. Best of luck with this!:)
Have you seen The Taking of Pelham 123?

Four terrorists hold up a train of hostages and New York City is slightly stalled for the duration of film. Of ourselves the timeframe is only about 2-3 hours I think or less but if these terrorists of yours are clever they would have it well planned. A hostage situation probably works well, but obviously has been done numerous times
To be honest I would focus on only having one main villain. Sure he can have people helping him and such but really, having several leads will most likely not end well. Bring your characters down to a minimum ;) 4 is more than enough!
No, four villains is most definitely not enough. You need at least 27. That is the proven optimal number of villains as proven by.....

Here you go again, wanting everyone else to verify, vindicate and approve decisions that you should be making all on your own.

You write the story exactly as you want it. Whether or not you can shoot it will depend upon your budget and how badly you want it to suck. If you have a tiny budget and want it to be a good film, either adapt it to reduce the number of actors/villains, or get more funding, or shelve it.
Okay. By 4 villains I mean one main villain, and three men under his command.

Well I've shown it to three actors so far and they all said that they think it's a good script, and that they are interested in doing it.

Their are three shootouts though, before the climax, and all the villains have to make it to the climax, as well as the police characters. This means that the villains and the police will have to be bad shots, in order for the plot to continue. During the shootouts, certain twists and turns happen, which drive the story forward but with such a small number of characters, no one is allowed to be shot. So it might pull audiences out of the story, if trained law enforcement officers, and terrorists powerful enough to do a lot of damage to the country, are all bad shots.
Is a group of 4 terrorists, enough to bring America, to it's knees?


These two clowns tied up an incredible amount of law enforcement resources, and had multiple states by the short & curlies 'til they were finally arrested... and they were not even trained terrorists!

Police gave tv press releases, urging the public to walk in zig-zaggy patterns if they had to go walking outside. People were terrified by these two for months, especially since it was right around the 1st year anniversary of 9-11... and these were just two nutbags.

Imagine what 4 trained professionals could do, on the loose. Enough to cripple America? Well, there's a lot of Clancy-esque scenarios to throw around, but even if they couldn't they sure could do a lot more damage than the two homeless crazies driving around with a rifle in a 12 year old Chevy.

Don't put me on any watchlists lol. :scared:

Character development is a screenwriter's job. If you can't do it yourself and need advises you are not really a screenwriter. No offense.

My suggestion is to get yourself in the place of the "terrorists"... You are a "terrorist"... What would you do? Try considering this and stop this thing about trying to get ideas in screenwriting forums. Screenwriting is an art, even better... a science... It's like you're a psychiatrist and ask questions about how to treat your patients.

It's simple, when you write about a villain, YOU are the villain. When you write about the hero, YOU are the hero. That's the best approach you can offer. And, remember, screenwriting is a hard bussiness. It's not "I've finished my screenplay so now I go to hollywood". After finishing your screenplay you have to sell it and, believe me, this is as difficult as writing it.
Okay thanks. Well I guess if I put myself in the terrorists place they just have to do their damn best not to get caught on camera or leave any evidence behind. And I (in the terrorist's mindset), just have to do the best at scaring the government into actually believing we can take them over.

I'm not planning on selling this script, just make it my first feature. But I am open to other scripts to do, if I can find one that I think will entertain audiences the most. A lot are kind of lackluster in my readings so far, that people are wanting to get made for free, or a very low price. Not that I'm blaming them at all, who would want to write a really good script, if they aren't going to sell it for a high price.
4 villains? Well... I have about a hundred in my screenplay. There is no certain number. Just make sure you make one of them an exciting and weird smart leader and, for godsake don't do what happens in every movie: Just to show someone is smart, they just show the other guys stupid instead. This shows the screenwriter just couldn't find a way to make the character look smart.
I would say 4 is enough as long as they are well rounded characters and we can fully believe in their motives (wrong or right whatever). But I would agree to make the one a very strong character... the leader.

Also, are they going to be part of a larger group sent over to destroy the country? Or are they their own cell? That is another thing to consider. If it's part of a larger group that exists across seas, then it might be a little more believable.

But, like another poster said, the Beltway snipers had the country paranoid just with 2 nutjobs. Chris Dorner had an entire state of police looking for him.