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campaign "Intrusion" A short film

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Hello everyone, I'd like to take some time to tell you about an upcoming project I am excited to be a part of. This short film produced by the National Film Academy is called "Intrusion". The film is a tri-segmented vignette style comedy-drama set in a near-future dystopia that displays the lives of an ensemble cast as they deal with the bizarre reality of their new lives under the overbearing yet elusive powers that be. In many ways a relevant story for the global climate we are all currently in.

The crew and cast of this film is composed entirely of young and aspiring creatives, who signed up for the National Youth Film Academy because they believed it was a golden opportunity to meet like minded people and further their careers within the film industry. Meeting like minded people is exactly what we have done, and we have done so in the strangest of circumstances. As I am writing this, no one who is a part of this project has met each other in person. We were put in a group by the NYFA during the lock down due to the COVID-19 outbreak, and since then we have communicated exclusively through Whatsapp and Zoom. This is how we've been putting the film together and it has been an interesting experience. We've had to simultaneously get to know one another and organise all aspects of this project. From writing and rewriting the script, story boarding, establishing costumes, location scouting and so on. And all this has been done on a tight schedule. Despite the odds being against us, we have thus far moved forward in a professional manner displaying both creativity and determination as we have done so. As this film slowly takes shape I become more and more excited about what it will be, and as I watch my colleagues work it inspires me to work just as hard as they have been.

My role in this film is that of Assistant Director. It is my first time working in this role just as it is my first time working on a project of this size. So this has been a learning experience for me and at that, one that I have greatly enjoyed. Thought this was daunting at first, considering all that surrounded the project I am slowly getting used to the responsibilities that come with the role and I have become immersed in the project. In someways I am glad that these are the conditions we are making this film under, for it shows that with determination and desire nothing can get in the way of hardworking people. I am extremely proud to be a part of this group, and I look forward to finally meeting everyone in person.

We are currently raising a budget for the film and have started a crowdfunder to do so. If you could take the time to look at the page it would be largely appreciated, and if you could donate that would be a great help us. Every little helps. We are all extremely excited to get this project off the ground and have thus far seen an incredible response from those who have engaged with the concepts, themes and ideas of the film. We want to make it as solid of an experience as we possibly can, and for that we need your help. The crowdfunder page also offers a more detailed look into the vision of our talented director and writer.


If you would like to stay updated with the latest news of the film, we have created social media accounts dedicated to that. It would also be a huge help to us if you were to share our pages with friends and family to spread the word about our project.




Any sort of help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read this post, I hope your as excited about this project as I am! 104484025_112345170521321_677362025744264023_o.jpg104885768_116666883422483_5756394698254450859_o.jpg
These two incredible pieces of art work were made by some of the very talented people working on the project.