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Intro scene music - Please help


We are completing the edition of our latest short movie. The story is a black comedy about a kidnap. This is the very initial scene.

I'm not sure about the music so I would like to know your comments.
On one side it works with some changes that fit the action but on the other it might not fit properly.

Find it here:

Please help with comments about what works and what doesn't. We can't do much more about the editing of the scene, we are late on that :-)
Basically this is the opening sequence. Then we have the credit title and we start on a kidnap scene. She's on a chair and a kidnapper... all goes a bit scary... until things go wrong for the kidnapper due to a simple mistake. From that moment on, there is comedy... kind off...
Not sure if this helps.

We have had several arguments about setting the tone to a neutral one, to allow the other action develop... I would have preferred a more scary, but neutral, score...