Intermediate video format survey


I'm new to these forums, so bear with me a little :)

I'm a software developer and I'm developing a new lossless intermediate codec mainly for video post-production. I'm also writing a diploma thesis about it and I would like to hear your opinions about what kind of post-production software and formats/codecs do you use for your work.

I've prepared a short survey using Google Forms, if you could spare a few minutes filling it out, I would be really grateful.

Also, any opinion is welcome about features missing in current intermediate formats/codecs that you would like to have if a new codec was available.

The link to the form:

Thank you for your time, it is much appreciated.

Cool! Will check it out when it's a stable version. Release notes mention it's still Alpha.


Lol :-)
I consider it stable but I couldn't test it with all the different post-production software out there (I simply don't have them all) and bugs may arise.
But I would be really happy if more people would test it and report bugs, that way it will reach 1.0 stable faster ;-)

Only for Windows!

I'll have to wait for the Mac version to test :)

Any plans for 10-bit+ support?

10-bit is a major plan for the near future, the first one actually right after 1.0

About Mac: I never programmed for it yet, but the I developed the codec with other platforms in mind, so porting shouldn't be a big issue.
