Interest/Comedy check

Ok, so my friend and I have another friend (makes 3 of us), his girlfriend took over his life, hes a bitch now. We play halflife (DOD/NS) everynight with him, but thats it. Ok, enough backstory. Basically the movie would be about us saving him from his GF. We realize theres a movie about this (saving silverman) but thats not near as good as what we have in mind, and its way too mellow in its humor....we would be raunchy as hell (think southpark creators and their comedy).

We're always laughing and creating comedy, its what we do best. So we figure, our first real movie will be a comedy, it is what we do best after all.

Now some of these scenes are hilarious to us, because we know all the background, but i need to check and see if anyone would find them funny. These are just 5 scenes of the million i've brainstormed....

Theres the Admin on a computer forum, whenever people have computer problems, they post them there to get answers. (this forum is SMALL, used to just be like 10 of us....but its gotten SLIGHTLY bigger). This admin likes to think hes the computer god. And he always tries to answer professionally. And if he doesnt know the answer he wont post, at all. Would it be funny (if shown the right way) showing him (hes chubby) with a box of twinkies, munching away like no other, GOOGLING for the answers to the problem, and answering, then at the end of the post say something like "ok, brb guys, i gotta get a twinkie"<-Said in a hilarious little kid almost/mocking type voice..hard to explain.

Edwards (kerry's Vice President Candidate) giving a speech somewhere, to a group of people. Then an Ambulance racing by behind the crowd. Edwards says "Hold on guys, ill be right back" and chases down the ambulance?

Us three (me brandon and adam) walking behind older people/grown people/married people in the mall, saying really really really nasty stuff. Sexual/gay stuff, that would make an ultra conservative christian family puke?

Going through the Drive Through(fast food) with the drivers genitalia(sp) out.

Our friend (adam) dropped out of highschool, and when he passes his GED test, we always say we're gonna throw a surprise GED party. Would that be Funny or not? (the sequence would be just like a little kids birthday party, with a big banner that says " 'Gratz! you passed your GED test!"

I realize posting these ideas here anyone can rip em, but I trust Indietalk's members.
But would you think any of those would be funny in a movie, if not then why? thanks.
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Us three (me brandon and adam) walking behind older people/grown people/married people in the mall, saying really really really nasty stuff. Sexual/gay stuff, that would make an ultra conservative christian family puke?

i thought that was funny.
rizien said:
Edwards (kerry's Vice President Candidate) giving a speech somewhere, to a group of people. Then an Ambulance racing by behind the crowd. Edwards says "Hold on guys, ill be right back" and chases down the ambulance?
He was a trial lawyer, not a personal injury lawyer. It wouldn't make sense. Besides, he's been a senator for many years now.
1) Yup, that could be funny.

2) Not that original. Aside from what IT noted, it's been a running gag from Rush Limbaugh to Jay Leno and everywhere inbetween... for quite a while. Stereotypes die hard. :D

3) Difficult to write well. This is also assuming the "family" are actors as well. If you're looking for that real-life shock factor from a random family at a mall, you'll have extra problems.

4) And people wonder why so many fast food places have employees who hate their customers.

5) You could turn that into a story of its own. Could be done a bunch of ways, and if you wanted it to be funny... well, that's up to the writer.

indietalk said:
He was a trial lawyer, not a personal injury lawyer. It wouldn't make sense. Besides, he's been a senator for many years now.

oh i got some mis information then :)

Thanks for the feedback guys
Humor is subjective, of course, but I had a tough time with some of these.

#1 might have a narrow target audience - it's hard to believe, but there are those who don't spend lots of time online and may not appreciate the situation. See if you can find a way to spin it to appeal to a wider audience.

#2 was commented on by Indie and Zen. Twist it around a little - a convention of personal injury lawyers sees an EMT team wheel someone past an open door at their conference hall and the stampede starts... or whatever.

#3 and #4 look more like "shock and disgust" than comedy, in my opinion. Again, it's a subjective opinion, but I get enough of foul-mouthed, discourteous, rude, disgusting people in everyday life and just can't appreciate the comedy in it.

#5 has possibilities. The premise of a GED Graduation party leaves a lot of room for development and it could be really well done.

That's my $0.02 worth.
1) Would be hard to pull off. It could be funny, but it would come off as a Harry Knowles rip, and that's been done.

2) This is Rush's joke (BTW, Indie, he was a trial lawyer, and he has the ambulance chaser stereotype because he went after Doctors with malpractice suits, and he's only been a Senator since '98), and I don't know if the general pop would get that the (assuming it's an actor) guy was a mock of Edwards. And honestly, I don't think it would fit in the general premise.

3) Could be funny, I wrote a scene a long time ago where high school kids pretended to be mentally challenged in a mall. The thing is that you'd be going for shock value, like SPaul said.

4) I know a guy who did that before. To be funny it would have to be played just right.

5) The funniest idea you've given.

Ah, thanks guys. now to reply:

1) actually happens, and when my friend(brandon) impersonates him, its hilarious as all hell. But i can see where the general population wouldnt get it. I dont know Harry Knowles, i'll get my google on.

2) The edwards would fit in with my naive friend(adam, turning liberal after a michael moore movie, after previously being hardcore conservative...also part of the movie idea) Attending a democratic speech of some sort. And yes, i'd have to get someone who looked like edwards, and i'd clarify all about that in the movie, some how.

3) actually happens, in real life, by us. And normally its just one of explaining to the other what went down the night before eg : ME "so dude..what happened with that chick last night" ADAM "well...(really really nasty stuff)" and the people in front normally speed up their walking, in vain, or turn around. haha.

4)I do this all the time. Well, DID that all the time, when adam used to hang out with us.

5) no explanation needed :) i think it will be funny.

Thanks for all the replies guys :) i've got sooooo many ideas, i think this movie might work out. I've been writing random scenes down as they get in my head, hopefully by the end of the year i'll have a well developed script.
ah, ill check that out when im done writing a 5 page paper, a 5 page paper that i can only write like 1 page of....god i hate college sometimes.
rizien said:
....god i hate college sometimes.

You don't know how good you have it.... :no:

1). It's kinda funny, but I think you would have to set up the "Googling for answers" for it to be funny. I agree with Poke on the Harry Knowles thing, but I should some people would love that because they hate him.

2). Kinda funny. Would be good if you could get a look-a-like, and again, set up the fact he was a lawyer for the oblivious voters or non-Americans. Really, I think the lawyer chasing after ambulances is a tired joke.

3). Funny in real life, but I don't know that I would laugh at that in a movie....but your second explaination about "what happen with that chick last night" is kinda funny. It's a nice sight gag to have if your characters need to discuss something wranchy, but it would be funny if there's a reason for your characters to be dirty instead of them being jackasses. I haven't seen Mallrats in a while, but I remember something like this before. Like in a Kevin Smith movie.

4). Maybe it would be funnier if he got scortching hot fast food dropped on his "genitalia." I love it when people get hurt doing stupid things they shouldn't be doing.

5). That's funny!
haha CommanderGoat, thats a good idea on number 4, i might just use it!

I've never heard about ambulance chasing till my dad told me about a month ago, i doubt i have the resources for it, but its an idea, and ideas are good.

number 3, i dont know why we do it in real life...not to be jackasses or anything, we just do it, and we talk dirty and crude all the time in real life. And this movie is going to be based off of our real lives and relationships.

i think 5 got an all around funny from all audiences, i like it alot :)

thanks for the comments guys