Integrating Audition with Premiere CS4

Is there any way to open the audio track from inside the Premiere into Audition for basic cleanup like you do with soundbooth??
If not, what should be the workflow for audio designing and scoring once edit has been locked in premiere?

You probably could if you've exported.. don't know that you can open a premiere project file though. In fact I'd be surprised if you could since audition isn't part of the creative suite anymore.

Your best bet is probably to render out just the audio, open that in audition, do your edits and such, render that out from audition, and then pull it back into premiere. Then when you render out the final movie use the tweaked audio track only instead of the other audio track(s) from the edit.

or, you could just keep it separate until you burn a dvd since that'll split the audio & video anyway.
Is there any way to open the audio track from inside the Premiere into Audition for basic cleanup like you do with soundbooth??
If not, what should be the workflow for audio designing and scoring once edit has been locked in premiere?


Yes. Right click the audio and select "EDIT IN AUDITION".... It might be under EDIT on the menu bars on the top.
Well if you export it from premiere it should still be in sync .. unless you mean for effects and such.

Don't recall if audition will let you use a video track. I think it does, but not sure.

Vegas would be a good option for that, since it was initially created as a multi-track audio editor, and the video stuff has been added to it.

In either case you'd have to render out the video too, but you could render out a low-res version for use during the audio mix. Probably want to burn timecode into it too, just to make life easier -- especially if you're going to have any music composing done for it.

Pretty sure REAPER supports a video reference track, and it's a REALLY good multi-track audio editor. 30-day unlimited free trial, and the purchase price is really low after that.. probably worth a look:
When exporting audio from Premiere to Soundbooth and/or Audition, it creates a duplicate WAVE file and places it in a temporary directory and it replaces the original audio on the timeline automatically, keeping perfect synch with the one selected clip.

You then clean up or affect the temp clip inside the audio editor. Once you hit save and close that file in Audition/Soundbooth, it automatically updates in Premiere.
Thanks guys for your replies.
@Will... I shall look into Reaper..seems there any tutorial for it or is it easy to learn?
@Sonny.. I dont get EDIT IN AUDITION option..There is edit in soundbooth which is greyed out since I havent installed it.. Is there any setting i have to do in audition like set it as default audio editor or something?
As far as I'm aware the 'edit in audition' option is no longer an option in CS4.. I've never seen it anyway, and it makes sense that it's not there since Audition isn't part of CS4.

Not sure if there are tutorials for reaper, I'd guess there probably are some, but it's pretty much like any multi track audio editor from what I've seen.. Haven't had the occassion to really play with it.
Replace audio in clips in premiere. Here is what I do, this works great if you have already started editing in Premiere.

I open the original source video in cubase (any audio editor should work)
I make my tweaks and save the wav file. DO NOT TRIM OR CHANGE THE LENGTH of the file.. or do time tricks..

In premiere:
I import the wav file
I Alt+Shift click the wave file and drag and drop in onto the clip instances in the timeline.

Good news is that just the audio is replaced, it all lines up, and any changes you made in the envelopes, etc are still there.. FYI: Works with video to!