It's inspiring because, if they can release *that*... there's hope for us, too.
In that case.
From Justin to Kelly....
It's inspiring because, if they can release *that*... there's hope for us, too.
Everytime I think of that movie, I think of when Peck shoots the dog- the scene is dramatic, but isn't overly built up with music and tension, he simply lifts his glasses, aims and fires. All done within a minute and effective without being overwrought.
It's inspiring because, if they can release *that*... there's hope for us, too.
28 days later is getting alot of attention in this thread despite being a small british film, although it did have a major release, i do like it but it did have some big plot holes but had a great atmosphere, Hancock is absolute poo andice pirates heheh i saw that on TCM and found it quite amusing LOTR biggest production of all time good call
for some reasons, Into the Wild....