Inspiring Films

It's inspiring because, if they can release *that*... there's hope for us, too.

In that case.

From Justin to Kelly....
Let's face it, if "Plan 9 From Outer Space" can develop a cult following, anything can happen!;)
EDIT: Didn't see it on the thread, but I found Spirited Away to be rather inspiring.
Everytime I think of that movie, I think of when Peck shoots the dog- the scene is dramatic, but isn't overly built up with music and tension, he simply lifts his glasses, aims and fires. All done within a minute and effective without being overwrought.

That's what I love about his work. It doesn't feel the least bit stilted or dated.

An actor like Peck would have been just as successful in 2009 as he was back then.
An inspirational (in general) film is different than a film that inspires you to create. If it inspires you, that is great.
See, that's my thought, too.

I mean, Ghosbusters is incredibly inspirational to me, because I saw when I was three years old, and the first thing I remember wanting to do when I finished watching it was make a movie of my own.
I think that's what I meant by inspiring when I titled the thread. Inspiring in the sense that it makes you want to make movies. Movies that have some element to them that makes you want to make your own films.
I recently watched Pi. Liked it. It was quirky, different but effective. Kind of rough, sometimes, intentionally I think. Of course, that's just my opinion, I know others who hated it. I thought the body-cam used made for some interesting footage.
28 days later without doubt.
A lot of brilliant movies come out of the US but it must be admitted that 'Hollywood' is about making money. 28 days is a hypothetical situation with a good although far fetched subject matter.
28 weeks is american trash to make money.

There's plenty of films not on your list matey,

Fight Club has to be mentioned for the adaptation of the book, as American Psycho should be.

Erm No country for Old men.
Before the Devils knows your dead one of the best films of last year. Phillip Hoffman's performance is great.

Old Boy
Lady Vengence
City of God
[you have missed alot of admirable world cinema on your list]

Falling Down-Michael Douglas's best performance
Requiem for a Dream (Good pick)
The Usual Suspects

Goodfellas [for a solid story]
There will be blood [Daniel Day Lewis great]

Lock Stock
Snatch [shot in a fantastic British format good characters]

Sin City [Style of shooting and effects]

Michael Moores Documentarys should be on there.

The real question is; What makes a good movie?

You have a blank canvas of what, 120 minutes, to relay to people a story. These films are pieces of art and all should be appreciated.

Check out for their list, they've got a good guide as to what to watch if you want to catch up on some films.

To be removed

I am Legend -This is a hi budget remake of Omega Man from the 70's.
If your going to put Terminator on there you may aswel have T2 aswell smahed box office records and is better interms of a 'film'.
I wouldn't mind posting some of my favorite films that have inspired me in some way or another...

* Blade Runner
* Brazil
* 12 Monkeys
* Caddy Shack
* Blazing Saddles
* Alien & Aliens
* The Thing
* High Anxiety
* History of the World
* Life of Brian
* Shawshank Redemption
* Time Bandits
* Momento
* eXistenZ
* Closer
* The Cook the Thief his Wife and Her Lover
* 28 Days Later
* The Day the Earth Stood Still (original)
* LotR
* Hancock
* Pulp Fiction
* Ice Pirates
* Modern Problems
* Fletch
* The Shining
* Sidways

These are just a few of the films that have touched me in some way. My own personal favorites.

Those in BOLD are what I would match to the keyword 'inspirational.'
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28 days later is getting alot of attention in this thread despite being a small british film, although it did have a major release, i do like it but it did have some big plot holes but had a great atmosphere, Hancock is absolute poo andice pirates heheh i saw that on TCM and found it quite amusing LOTR biggest production of all time good call
I saw 'The King' by first time feature-lenth indie director James Marsh recently and was WELL impressed. The score, the colours, the angles, everything. Definitely inspirational.
28 days later is getting alot of attention in this thread despite being a small british film, although it did have a major release, i do like it but it did have some big plot holes but had a great atmosphere, Hancock is absolute poo andice pirates heheh i saw that on TCM and found it quite amusing LOTR biggest production of all time good call

I don't think any plot holes got in the way of 28 Days...if there were any, they were small, and didn't detract from the greatness of this artfully captured zed flick.

Please explain your idea of the plot holes, I'm curious...

*spoiler alert*

The key under the door? Who left it there? How was he the only survivor? Why didn't the infected break in to his room? I don't have a single problem with any of those concepts. They were answered just fine later in the movie--at least enough for me.

Other than that...I don't see any plot holes. I've seen the movie over a dozen's my favorite zed flick...however, let me grab some coffee and think it over.

As far as Hancock. I can't see how anyone would think this is poo. It's a wonderful story, highly entertaining, and beautifully acted.'s two films that I can't believe you guys haven't named.

Clerks II

These are what got me interested in making movies when I saw them a few weeks ago.
for some reasons, Into the Wild....

I agree, for sure.

Including Into the Wild, here's my list:
Darjeeling Limited
Slumdog Millionaire
Pulp Fiction
No Country for Old Men
Life Aquatic
American Beauty
Little Miss Sunshine
Shawshank Redemption
The Royal Tenenbaums
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I'm glad there has been such a response to this. It's interesting seeing other people see the same qualities in movies. I don't know what it is that makes a movie good. I don't think there is a universally great movie in existence, but that may just be what makes film making so interesting.
People have great potential when making a movie, to do something entirely different. If a film can do whatever it wants, that gives the art great potential. I don't really think there are good movies and bad movies. It's all personal taste, and it's all very subjective. Yet this is what gives it such an interesting meaning.