
Just saw this movie last night. If the makers wanted to freak me out completely they did more than they needed to accomplish that. I'm a pretty big fan of well made horror flicks and this one was creepy as hell. The script was pretty bad though and the story line was eh but it had it's strong points. The camera work was great it really set the mood. The sound/music made you so scared that you start to wonder why on earth would anything be able to make a sound like that and the makeup was dece. I give it a 7.5/10
I'm not a fan of horror, because most of the time they are cliched pieces of shit, but I actually liked this one.

Though towards the end it turned into a 'Are You Afraid of the Dark' episode, which kind of ruined it for me.
... I'm really scared.
I wish they stop playing trailers of horror films when I go to the cinema

THEN DEFINITELY don't watch this movie. I'm not the type that looses sleep over horror flicks but later that night my friends cat walked by my mattress I had a heart attack
This thread put a grin to my face. i love horror movies and you say this one is truly scary? I need to watch it hhaha

Hahahaha yeah def watch it. It's kind of a weak script but it's so god damn scary my friends and I watched it at like 3 in the morning and we had to pause it every now and then to scream. Of course depending on the circumstances under which you watch it (if you watch it in the middle of a sunny day it won't be as scary) and who you watch it with will make it scarier.
I brought up this subject already, but I'll copy what I said about INSIDIOUS in last month's POST

I already liked this movie, but now that I know some details of the sparse production, I'm really impressed....


This is a collaboration between producer Oren Peli (PARANORMAL ACTIVITY) and writer/actor Leigh Whannell (SAW) and director James Wan (SAW). The melding of the two styles is really effective - drop the gore and crank up the scares. Except, these are not suggestive scares, thanks to the SAW guys. The visuals and makeup are in your face.

Independent? From guys who struck lightning by sending their script, accompanied by their $30,000 self made beartrap clip, which allowed them to the backing of Lionsgate to make SAW. They've returned to their roots with INSIDIOUS. According to James Wan:

My lowest budget film yet...........Doing it outside of the studio system. I literally cut this film myself, in my bedroom, on my little Mac computer.

They did this for $800,000. Why? According to Leigh Whannell:

Creative control...And making the film with a very indie spirit....And shooting the whole thing in 22 days.
hahaha spooc i couldn't agree more. I think that if they worked on the script a bit more
The Further was the stupidest thing i've ever heard of
it would've been a 9/10
Hmmm... maybe I missed something. We found this movie to be bungled, confusing and scare-free. It had us wondering who the movie was actually about and going into it we were expecting so much more. Oh well. But good for them for making a movie. Wish I $800,000 to mess around with.
I haven't seen this yet, so I can't comment, but it's been on my to-see list for a while. As an aside, Mud Doctor, I liked your use of the term "splat-pack directors". Did you coin that, or have I just missed it before? Either way, can we retroactively add Andreas Schnaas to the ranks? :)
I wish I had come up with it. Actually I think it was first used by a writer for Total Film. Eli Roth, Rob Zombie, Alexandre Aja, and several others are considered members. I'm not too familiar with Andreas Schnaas, but by the sounds of his work, I think he could definitely be considered a member of that group.