archived-videos Initial teaser for my 40-minute short I WAS JESUS AND DRACULA

Hello all ... just wanted to point in the direction of the first quickly-put-together teaser for the long short I've just wrapped up shooting. It's called I Was Jesus and Dracula. I would love to hear your initial thoughts.

It's up on my webpage,, in the Movies section (I also make music, am an author and a visual artist, which stuff is also up there), or it's up on Youtube at

George Dalphin
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Few points of criticism...

1) Watching this teaser, I KNOW I would not be able to sit through 40 minutes of this. I don't have a problem with bad lighting, home video feel, or artsy styles... but from how the trailer is cut, it looks like the pace on this "short" would kill me.
2) I have no idea what the story is. At all.
3) You can't be Jesus AND Dracula, because one is an immortal piece of human social history and the other is a fictional character. You decide which applies to which.

I would suggest trying to edit your video down to at LEAST 15-20 minutes if possible. Also, consider "The Passion of the Dracula" as an alternate title, lol... just thought of that... w00t.
Hey, spat, I appreciate your comments. Can't respond much to the first one, but as for the second one, the teaser is not intended to reveal the story but merely to intrigue. And as for the third, well ... sure you can be both Jesus and Dracula. I mean, more than likely they're both fictional characters, but who says in a fiction you can't be a fictional character? Anyway.

Just thought I'd throw up another link to a second trailer I've just put together, this one dialogue-based.

George Dalphin
i watched both and i still dont get it???

must be me?

but at least you made a film...thats more than i have done...keep shooting(but something new)
Dude :bag:

Watched both, and have absolutely no idea what is happening.

Seriously. It makes no sense at all.

How does the opening from the soundtrack of "Jesus Christ Superstar" fit in, btw?
I agree that a trailer should not give away the plot and is supposed to intrigue the viewer. But I dont think anyone will be intrigued by this. You dont give us any hints that would get us interested in the plot, I have no clue what is going on and i'm not interested enough to find out. Also the film just looks... like a home movie, the lighting is so bad you can barely see people's faces. I agree with the above comments, I could not watch this film. Take it as a learning experience. Go work on a new idea and put into practice everything you learned.
To answer your question, Zensteve, there is a character who claims to be immortal and to have been both Jesus and Dracula (that is how the opening to JCS fits in).