lighting inexpensive lighting kit

You cam find A pair of 500w work lights at walmart for 30$. They come with a tripod and everything. Also they have much simpler work lights that jut clamp to things for around 8$.


Hope that helps.
I'd buy two used Lowel fixtures (preferably omnis) for about $80ish each and then some $15 stands. You can probably squeeze some eBay umbrellas in there too, and a couple of extension cords. Maybe a $10 DIY home depot dimmer.

Clamp lights are everyone's first light kit, but they shouldn't be. I've learned that buying cheap stuff isn't smart because it either won't be adequate, or won't work period or for king, and you end up buying the real deal anyway.

You can also rent a decent kit for a day or two for that much. In Dallas you can do an entire grip truck for $450 a day, with about 12-18 tungsten fixtures and everything you need to run them.
I am exactly in the spot that Paul describes above..

I've got a couple hundred into lights that can kinda do the job, haha.

The best cheap 'light' I have come across, is that double shop light above, but bounced off a 14$ 40" reflector from amazon.. I have gotten fairly amazing results (to me) with the effect. I have not had great luck with clamp light. I found as a beginner, it's easier to have too much light than not enough, haha.

..But as I stated first, I am now growing out of lights that don't pack/travel well, and don't throw some serious lumen. I am hoping to switch to LED panels.
.. oh I forgot, I also use an umbrella kit from cowboy studio.. pretty cheap, and I put in big fluorescent bulbs. It works well, but is a tad bulky and flimsy when set up.