indiegogo pitch feedback

cant argue with the 15k success. Do you thin that had your pretty mug been on the screen, that people would NOT have donated?

I see it as this: I wouldn't have donated to me if I were on screen in a staged environment trying to pitch for dollars. We did record a sit down, it was boring and annoying. Just doesn't suit my presentation. I've seen sit downs that do well on Kickstarter so I dunno where to begin classifying the details of what made it work and what made it fail.

The first video we did was fail, but hell, here:

And then we did this one: -- then that one.

Big lesson learned for me, video can actually hurt more than help so changing it was mandatory.

It's a case-by-case basis. Again, the only true constant is that you need to have a group of people ready to support you from day one. The second being "a reason to care", social topics etc are easy pitches for niches and demographics.