archived-videos Indiana Jones and the Staff of Ra PREMIER

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Been waiting a long time for this. :cool:
The download took a long time but i really enjoyed the film.

The photography was very good and the shooting location is perfect.

However i thought the acting was a bit mechanical. For example when the nazis shot that fella, the expression on marions face was very laid back! I am sure she could do better.

What format did you shoot on?


Eddie Rex
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I agree with Eddie Rex, and the overall job was GREAT! I'm also wondering what all was used to make such a good quality film? (Camera/Editied With) you know stuff like that.... Photography was really top notch!
very nice...I thought the footage was a little bright (for video-esp by the water, I recommend a polarizer always), but that's my taste...well done!
I really enjoyed this, no chance of a DVD huh?

How did you get to use all the time period pieces you used?

Oh and you do some good Harrison Ford impersonations.

Wow! Amazing, just amazing. I was expecting something like "Hardware Wars." I particularily like the visuals and the pacing was excellent.

I do have some suggestions, though.

First of all, I didn't quite understand the story. Was it a conicidence that the medallion that they're looking for just happened to be near Ben Ravenwood's homestead? It appeared that way to me.

Secondly, the train had weeds growing underneath it. Removing them would have helped create the illusion that this was a working locomotive, rather than a park engine. And having the engineer inspect the train wasn't too plausible since it was obvious that the locomotive hadn't been run recently. Those engines make noise and emit steam for a long time after they've stopped moving.

And thirdly, the closing credits had significant typos. Cannibals was mispelled repeatedly.
And when you wrote that the project had "on ties" with Lucas Films. I'm pretty sure you meant "no ties."

I know that these are small details-- but it's just those small details that create believability.

I hope that helps.

I'm very impressed with the cinematography, though. Very professional-looking.
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loved it

hey I have been wanting to tell you that i really liked the movie.

I wish my producers would let me put mine up for free download. anyway.. i'm a big Indiana Jones fan and Congratz on the final product.... loved it..
Loved it Garmon. Finally got to watch it, and it was awesome. Really good job. I'll get back on more later- just wanted to let you know!