I'm here to admonish you.

I don't miss the lines and dust and reel blip.

Chinese Mann's Theater in hollywood is probably the best digital theater I have been in.
Here in Northern California there are select movies played in DP. So far the only one I've had a chance to see it in DP was Iron Man 2 and man was it pretty. I was throughly impressed.
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I think the most ridiculous thing is trying to watch a movie on your cellphone or iPod. Are they kidding? Do you really want to see them destroy the Deathstar on a screen 2 inches wide?? I am considering getting a Droid with a larger screen and I still will refuse to watch a movie on it.

I love the theater--there is nothing like enjoying a movie with a bunch other excited, jazzed individuals.

I don't like not smoking, drinking, and pausing however. And I don't like the cost. But it's occasionally all worth it.

My wife and I just canceled cable tv...we didn't turn our tv on in four months, so we canceled it. We've been Netflix and NF streaming like crazy lately. That's all I need...unless a movie I really want to see opens in the theater...then we'll go.
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Sonnyboo! Funn-ee! And of course he's right! But then David Lynch is right about everything!! :lol:

There used to be a place where I live called Cinema and Suds. The back of the theater had small tables and chairs and on a lower level in front, normal movie chairs. In the back you could order a sandwich, a beer or have a cigarette. The chairs were nice and comfy. But after about a year the place closed. It wasn't all that big so maybe it couldn't support itself, but it was nice while it lasted.

-- spinner :cool:
We have Brew & View here (on off concert nights), like 5 bucks for a double or triple feature of second or third run movies and cult classic flicks -with cheap draft beer and well drinks. It used to be films were selected by vote, but I’m not sure if they still do that. Not the greatest projection or sound gear, but it can be a lot of fun if the right films are playing.

Man I wish they had that here. I've never seen anything like that in Cali. We do still have some drive-ins around and those are fun.
We have Brew & View here (on off concert nights), like 5 bucks for a double or triple feature of second or third run movies and cult classic flicks -with cheap draft beer and well drinks. It used to be films were selected by vote, but I’m not sure if they still do that. Not the greatest projection or sound gear, but it can be a lot of fun if the right films are playing.


Love that place! My other favorite city film venue is when they do the outdoor film fest in grant park. At least when they pick good films. A few years ago they let Ebert pick and one of the nights was Star Wars. It was glorious. :)
How many of you wait for the DVD? You wanna catch it on HBO? Instant-queue on Netflix?

I'm very disappointed in you. Movies are meant to be seen in the theater. You should know better.


If it's a movie I really want to see then I'll go see it in theaters. That's about the best I can do.