I'm getting jazzed now about filmmaking :)

I am a noob, but wanting to make shorts-- well last year I got discouraged when the weather turned so bad for so long and I could not film my outdoor short. Over the winter I have written a number of shorts, tweaked them, and last week wrote one that I can film totally indoors at my home (yeah! no weather or time of year issues, I can control lighting!), and another that I can film very simple out on the gorgeous remote beach here in Duluth, Minnesota-- both of the latter shorts requiring just one location, and just two actors. So I am getting excited for gearing up for filmmaking for 2008! I am going to start simple-- do the indoors (my home) short first, then then short on the beach (should be an easy shoot).

I have been busy this past week getting props for the shorts, posting ads on craigslist for actors and crew (getting replies already), contacting actor-models on onemodelplace.com in my area (already got a great lead, she is perfect for a part or two).

I can't wait for the time when I can have some footage to share here--but that is months away, be patient--coming to a forum near you (like this one).:yes:

OK, I just had to share my thoughts. If nobody reads them did the tree that fell in the woods make a sound?:weird: Hmm.
OK, I just had to share my thoughts. If nobody reads them did the tree that fell in the woods make a sound?:weird: Hmm.
...sure, it makes a sound! and when the movie(film) does (relatively) well, you can say: "Y'all can hear it now! See! I told you it made a sound!"

Staying enthusiastic is one of the hard things to do, especially when things that you can't control stop you in your tracks. Not five minutes ago I had to look at the "lack of money" situation, and that's for everyday bills.

So long as you can keep the BIG PICTURE in focus, I think its possible to stay hopeful. If no one else believes it, you have to.
I think I can...I think I can...I think I can.....:yes:

-- spinner :cool:
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One thing that really is helping is the fact I have the scripts done-- one less stress in the equation, and have just about all the props now for 4-5 scripts yet to film, and of course have all the equipment and software now. Getting leads on actors.

So what is fun a bit at this stage is being able to take a breather from all of that and return to thinking of the shot compositions, art direction, cinemetography and golden ratios, planning that stuff out which brings me back to my roots as a figure and portrait painter. Also down the road think of film scoring, which I will like since before the visual arts I was a musician.
My time is starting to free up again somewhat where the bug it hitting me again. I started outfitting my missing pieces. I bought most of my equipment used and, as such, some of the items were missing parts. Just ordered the following today:

2 pan handles for Bogen 501 fluid head (the one on it was missing half the handle)
Retention clip for the MA-200 to hold the CH-910 (broken)
DC-920 Coupler for CH-910 (missing)
Remote control for the XL1s (missing)
Extra lens cap for the 16x manual lens (missing)
Shoulder strap for the XL1s (missing)
LCD4Video 7" on camera LCD kit with 12V battery and sun shade (my portable DVD player works fine, but it really bugs me not having something on the camera)

I did some more lighting tests yesterday and printed off a focus chart to dial-in the back focus adjustment on the 16x manual lens.

I recently got in contact with a family we thought had moved permanantly out of town only to find out they are moving back. Their daughter is 18 and an aspiring actress, so now, aside from a few crew potentials already lined up, I am beginning to get some on-camera talent at my disposal.

Things are slowly coming together. I love this process! Let's hope my stuff is actually worth a sh!t when it's all said and done. :lol:
I'd definitely say this forum has given me a new edge in my excitement over the prospect of someday being able to get into filmmaking on more than the screenwriting level I've been operating on so far.

Everyone here is really funny, interesting, knowledgeable as hell, and really passionate about the business and the medium.

I pretty much found this place on accident, but I'm glad I did.
This is the exact same energy and excitement I had last year when I'd finished the script for my short. Being able to safely start thinking about all the visuals is an amazing buzz.

I'm hoping that once I finish the second draft for the above that the buzz will start coming back. Lol

It's amazing to see it coming from someone else.