I'm an Award Winner

I just won the Best Cinematography Award at the 2004 Nebula Film Festival held in Palintine, IL. The film won for best short, directing (John Whitney), editing(Jeremy Kalef) and score (Victor Alexeeff) so lots of congraulations need to go out. Special thanks goes out to Peter John Ross of www.sonnyboo.com for entering the film in the contest for us. It was shot on 35mm B&W film.

If you want to know more about the festival go to:


If you haven't seen the short go to:

That's awesome, Scott!

Weren't you considering doing some kind of sequel for this at one time, btw? (Hope I don't have that confused with something else)
Yeah... I lost out in every category to John Whitney, Solve For X, and Scott...

That'll teach me to help out a friend... : )

If it weren't for Scott being so damn helpful and John directing a feature film with me, I think I might be jealous.

As official treasurer of the SOLVE FOR X fan club, I'm ecstatic to see it finally getting some props - both online & at some fests. It's one of the best short films I've ever watched. It's the kind of thing we all aspire to make.
Thanks all.


The director has thought of expanding the idea into a feature and he and I have exchanged outlines for do so. He's busy with some other projects, but I hope I can sit down with him and work on it soon.

Did you shoot it with an Auricon 600? ;) (guessing that is a classic Auricon 600 in your avatar) Seriously though, what camera did you use for this? Thanks.
Zensteve said:
That's awesome, Scott!

Weren't you considering doing some kind of sequel for this at one time, btw? (Hope I don't have that confused with something else)

Oh Zen...you and your sequels....Your the one that they keep making sequels for. Your the fan base! Thanks a lot for bringing us the Mummy two, The Matrix Trilogy, Police Academy 2-infinity, etc.


just kidding :lol:

The short was shot with an Arri BL 1 35mm camera provided by Bill Pivetta. Bill was also kind enough to donate most of the film stock which was some Plus X and Tri-X from his freezer which was over 10 years old.

The crew was 4-7 people depending on sound and the location. Our schedule was around 4 days, but none were more than 10 hours. I think our ratio was around 4 to 1.
