editing I'm a new member, looking for Info.

Greetings all! I am discovering the wonderful world of film making and I'm looking for advice on setting up my own editing suite. What is the best bang for my buck? I would like to purchase Final Cut Pro, but I'm unsure what type of computer and monitor would best suit my needs. Is it better to go with Mac or PC? if Mac, should I go with Macbook Pro laptop or G5? if anyone has good advice on setting up a studio I sure could use some help! thanks All!
You cannot use Final Cut on a PC so that choice is already made for you.

A MacBook Pro is an excellent computer for editing. Any of the iMac's
are excellent computers for editing. Right out of the box those machines
will do everything you need with Final Cut Pro.

If you want more power then when buying your Mac check the specs. The
more RAM the better and the faster the processors the better. But as I
said: right out of the box any iMac, G5 tower or MacBook pro will be
just fine.

As far as setting up a studio. Are you really ready to spend the money to
set up and fully equip an editing studio? You say you are discovering the
wonderful world of film making. Maybe an fully equipped editing studio
is something that can wait until you are making money as an editor.

Unless I misunderstood. If so I apologize.

Welcome to indietalk!
thanks for the input directorik. when it comes to setting up a studio, I'm thinking along the lines of macbook pro, external monitor, FCP, and external hardrive. is this too much equipment for a start up studio?
It depends on you you mean by a start up studio.

I'll make the assumption you're just setting up a system for
your own projects and not a studio for rental - a studio where
you will have clients paying you for your editing services. If I'm
correct a MacBook, monitor and external drive isn't too much. It's
exactly what you need.
Any monitor will be fine. It really doesn't matter. Get the largest
one you can afford. But even 17" will be fine.

I use Neptune hard drives and have never had a problem with them.