Russo, your a piece of work.
See, attacking me is only making you more guilty of that which you accuse others of. Tsk. Tsk.
Russo, your a piece of work.
The fact is, this young man has created a feature. Taking age into account or not, you have to admit he had to be resourceful and creative to do this with what he had.
Criticism should be constructive and well received.
I believe, he's talented, ***for a 17 year old***.
Which is the reason he feels the need to pull the "I'm 17" card, over and over again.
Believe me, I DID go easy on him.
Big Cookie
Dude, I have tried to ignore you, explain my take with you and defended myself from you.
He said this, "If you go back through the thread, you'll see a pattern where he doesn't take criticism negatively." The I said Thank You!
But then you say this. "I think he meant to say, "you'll see a pattern where he doesn't take negative criticism." Otherwise, the next thing he says, "I think he is just looking for yes men," would make no sense." If this doesn't make my point I don't know what does.
Quit harassing me please.
BIG COOKIE? Was that what you called your campaign or is this another campaign I should take a look at?
I have been nice but if it keeps going I will make it personal. I will try to hurt your feelings like you have done to me and others.
Good God! I am weak. I'm trying to ignore it but you guys just won't let up.
This reminds me of the girl that use to kick me everyday in 2nd grade. Turns out she had a crush on me.
I have been nice but if it keeps going I will make it personal. I will try to hurt your feelings like you have done to me and others.
Please just stop.
Is this where the "Yo Momma" jokes come out?
Listen, I understand that criticism sucks, and you hate receiving it, but I assure you, it only gets worse.
You did an okay job. It's definitely a good first work. I've seen footage and scenes that are much worse than this, from first time guys. I think my first work was "meh" personally.
The main thing is, KEEP AT IT.
It just occurred to me that I should probably tell you what I liked about the Teaser...
The kid with the Swastika, looks believable and seemed to have some potential for acting. I liked your shots, especially when the dude goes full BEAST mode and attacks the other kid. Great job there.
Also, the lighting appears to be nicely done. I didn't notice any harsh lighting, and/or overly lit shots.
As for audio, meh, at this level, it's to be expected it's not perfect, but it was better than most.
Okay, hope that works to let you know that I was actually impressed, but I may have not expressed that to you.
In regards to Sky, I only saw the one comment on the kickstarter thread. I understand there were others in private messages and that other thread, though it's hard to see the context. I try to see the best in people. I just don't always try very hard(See I can try to diffuse some situations).
It just occurred to me that I should probably tell you what I liked about the Teaser...
The kid with the Swastika, looks believable and seemed to have some potential for acting. I liked your shots, especially when the dude goes full BEAST mode and attacks the other kid. Great job there.
Also, the lighting appears to be nicely done. I didn't notice any harsh lighting, and/or overly lit shots.
As for audio, meh, at this level, it's to be expected it's not perfect, but it was better than most.
Okay, hope that works to let you know that I was actually impressed, but I may have not expressed that to you.
Sweetie, apparently this is normal for you.
Sweetie, Got a pm and apparently this is normal for you.
Russo, I can get nasty and i know you are egging me on so For the fifth time leave me alone. Go away. See if i say anything negative you guys will just use it against me. Good gawd. Whose the adult and who's in High School?
You did an okay job. It's definitely a good first work. I've seen footage and scenes that are much worse than this, from first time guys. I think my first work was "meh" personally.
The main thing is, KEEP AT IT.
So I have heard Micheal.