Connor, your achievement is fantastic and you've shown resourcefulness that will benefit you in both career and life. I'm happy for you and am looking forward to seeing the trailer (if not the actual film).
My previous comment wasn't made to imply that your rich daddy paid for everything, rather, it was a genuine question based on, not only my own, but the experiences of others, also.
See: a professional may lower his fee to work on a project he feels passionate about, but unless you know him personally and he's doing you/someone you know a huge favour, he'll always draw the line before doing a freebie. Professionals have bills to pay and are reluctant to hand out unpaid gigs simply because they are professionals (even if youäre paying them at 10% of their usual rate).
So, my remark about "pro's being paid because they're pro's" (or whatever it was), was by no means intended as an insult to you, your crew, friends or project. As you, yourself, pointed out, the Bernie bloke's agent made you pay for the change of his flight, his hotel and a daily working rate because he's a professional actor.
Seriously, your achievement is massive and you should feel proud of that. Not everyone you meet online is jealous or offensive... some of us just genuinely curious (and always looking for functional tips).