This is a funny/fun thread. Lots of interesting choices.
I'd like to like Ryan Gosling as Bruce/Batman, but somehow doesn't seem quite right to me.
Jon Hamm could be interesting.
I think Michael Fassbender could be very interesting as Bruce/Batman.
Commisioner Gordon?:
Harvey Keitel (Is he still working?), Bill Murray, Nathan Fillion (Not sure he's right for the role, but would like to see him in more cool stuff), Antonio Banderas, James Woods, Whoopi Goldberg (um, maybe something like Jaimie Gordon), (and on that note) Viola Davis (of course she's great in
The Help, but I think her performance in
Solaris (2002) is mind-blowingly stellar), Danny Huston (outstanding character actor), Val Kilmer, Sam Neill, David Morse (Love this guy, would love to see him in this role...if it was meaty and worthy of him), ...okay, I'll stop.
Alan Rickman, Ian Mckellen, Max Von Sydow, Bill Nighy, ...so many other possibilities.
If it were my film, what I would not do is bring back the camp. Generally, I despise camp. To Hell with camp.
I'd probably want to keep Nolan's dark, gritty crime melodrama tone but turn up the scifi or fantasy just a touch, maybe just a notch or two...still trying to keep it fairly grounded in realism...or at least a version of realism. Maybe a little more magical realism.
Of course, such exceptional talent would in turn demand an exceptional screenplay.