I want to post my movies on this site as well as others just for feedback and stuff and i was wondering what are the do's and don'ts if any. My main concern is the music in most of mine. So far i havent released any movies for the public yet, and i dont plan to since this is just a hobby my Posse and i do once in a while but i do plan to post movies on the net which tends to be more lenient in rules so thats the best option for now. Back to the original question, am I allowed to showmy movies that includes a lot of copyrighted music? All the music is credited of course cuz i think they deserve at least that much and buying rights to the songs are out of the question since this is just a hobby. Thanks.
Likely every second comment will be about the tunes but you'll get feedback on the editing too, no doubt.
For future stuff, you should try making a few composer-friends. There are a lot of them in the Classifieds part of the board. They'll appreciate the challenge/experience, and you won't have to keep watching over your shoulder for the RIAA.
Or start using Public Domain music or that crazy CC designated material.