1, Mac (you can install Windows on it, too. Keep reading for link for 'lower cost' option on getting a Mac)
2, Desktop for power, laptop for mobility... Depend on your life style. I have a Mac notebook, I will have a desktop
3, Custom if you're a tinkerer, Store if you "just want to get work done" attitude. I'm planning to build my next Mac
4, Final Cut, Premier, Avid (even iMovie) are film editing. After Effects is special effects and compositing...the result will need to be put into a film using FC, Pr or Avid.
Today, if you're working solo, any of these software will work...even Vegas. Working solo mean you will, most likely, not need to integrate your skills with an established production house or team (who may had gone to school and learn on Avid/FinalCut).
The historical standard is Avid, early non-linear editing system, built around Macs, (sold only as a system from Avid) will cost you 10-40k U.S. dollars. I believe Microsoft invested in Avid and so Avid ported a version for Windows and Avid is offering a sub 300.00 software since FinalCut is killing them.
If you're planning to work in a formal Hollywood company, it's my presumption that you will need to know Avid (and/or FinalCut). Avid's priced itself out of the market for new editors, directors and producers; so, Final Cut wormed it's way into the industry. Finalcut became the unspoken answer among students, semi pro editors/producers...
Personally, soloing (not in Hollywood) I go with Final Cut or Premier. The above is just my opinion on what I read on the FinalCut vs Avid debate 5yrs ago.
5, Build my own "Hackintosh" Built from common, off the shelf, hardware. Install Mac OS...a commercially bought, legal copy, of the OS. Read:
http://nofilmschool.com/build-a-hackintosh For 600-800.00, you can have a killer system. You have 400-600.00 left over for software, extra hard drives, etc, etc... BTW, do NOT buy lots of HD now, due to Thailand's flooding Hard Drive prices exploded (+80% of HD are made there). By HD in a few month...like Spring or so.
6, Budget minded:
Approximately under 450.00 Mother board, i3 dual core intel, highest gigahertz, 4gig ram TODAY (making sure mother board allow you to add more later when you can afford it...like 8gig ram or more), basic video card, single 19" monitor, 2 hard drives: 1 used one from friend or old machine, small, for OS and software. 1 larger HD for your projects (Living dangerously with out a back up)
Mid level: Approximately 700-800.00 MoBo, i5 or i7, duel or quad core, 4-8gig ram (expandable to 16 or 32 in future), 2 graphics card, 2 +20" monitors, 3 or 4 Hard drives: 1 for OS/software. 1 (2terabyte) for project, 1 that mirror first project drive, 1 external for back up or transport.
High end: Approximately 800-1200 Same as above. 16g ram, Add in graphics card with dedicated 'in-hardware' effects and rendering. Build a NAS...network attached storage.
any suggestions:
The above approximated price can be cheaper if you're willing to use an older generation board. My notebook is almost 4yrs old...so, an "older generation" motherboard from today is 1.5 generation FASTER than my notebook. It's relative. I have a Core2Duo 2ghz, 4g ram... Any "old" motherboard today, will give me a faster system...
Moore's Law: computer power double ever 18mo or 2x/18mo. my notebook, 4yrs ago... a new "older" desktop motherboard will be 4.5x my speed for less (under 500.00) than what I paid for my laptop (799.00) with more ram slots.
BTW, with the Mac and "Hackintosh", if you don't like Mac, you can delete it and throw on Windows. You can have both, if you like. You an run Windows ontop of MacOS. You an Dual Boot....booting into either Win or Mac at start up....switch as often as you like or not. Run both OS at the same time if you like. Run neither if you want to install Linux, if you like.
Good luck
http://nofilmschool.com/build-a-hackintosh Follow the links and research for the most modern options since this article was written.
http://youtu.be/BatakM9iAik almost 2yr old video of a guy custom building his own NAS. You can build a NAS from an old computer case....just something to mount HD to.
HI ..........my question is, if i was to give you a budget of $1200 to go out and get the best computer for video/photo that those $1200 can get you:
1. what would you go with PC or MAC ?
2. Laptop or desktop ? even tho i dont like the laptop idea becuase you cant do much of upgrades down the line on a laptop like you can on a desktop.
3.would you go with a custom build or buy from one of the big box stores ?
4.what editing software would you go with (FINAL CUT,PREMIER,AFTER EFFECTS....)
5.what would you do if you was in my shoes right now.
6.what are the specs for a machine you would recommend ?
any suggestions are greatly welcome , i am here to learn so please help me out !